Women, despite being called the weak half of humanity, love to focus on those qualities in men that unite all the representatives of the stronger sex. That is why statuses about men regularly flash on social networks. You can find many different options, there are sayings about strong men, about special character traits, advantages and disadvantages. Everyone can easily find both statuses about male goats, and about good and reliable representatives of the stronger sex. Everyone chooses the emotion that they want to shout about on the entire social network at the moment.
How to find interesting statuses about male goats and not only?
Depending on what you want to convey and what mood to express in relation to those in a shirt, you need to choose statuses. A lot can be said about men. They are strong, sometimes wise, and often behave in such an interesting way that you can write jokes. Here are the creators of statuses and take note of everythingnuances, after that, for the inquisitive and seeking, there are many examples that can fully express any emotional message.

What statuses can be set for girls about men?
There is much to be found in the vast and limitless web. But it is worth focusing on what you like the most. For example, you can take into account the following sayings:
- There are many similarities between men and pigs. But one difference is still present, pigs do not turn into men when they drink.
- Strange creatures these men. Fish can wait for hours to bite, but when a woman is five minutes late, they immediately leave the race.
- The man who grew wings behind a woman's back will never bear deer antlers in his life.
- Only men can give financial matters to a woman when there is very little money left.
- All women love animals, but few want to date a ram.
- A strong man will always make a woman feel weak.
- Only a bad man can have a bad woman. A smart one understands that a king can only have a queen.

Statuses for real men
Not always statuses about men, funny sometimes even a little offensive, are suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Often, with the help of such a saying, a man wants to reveal his positive aspects and emphasize influence. Therefore, aphorismsused by women are not suitable for them. Real, strong and self-respecting men can choose the following expressions:
- Snoring at night, a man protects a woman from evil spirits.
- Only a self-respecting man can say that women need money. Only those who are incapable of anything but talking speak like that.
- A woman loves a man not for money. The financial side only indicates that a man is strong and knows how to achieve goals. With such women want to be, and not with weaklings who refer to female self-interest.
- The king with the queen, and with a bitch, a chicken or a dumbass - lackeys.

What to look for when choosing?
Naturally, statuses about men can say a lot. The most important thing is to choose the right option. A thoughtful and interesting status will help you meet new people, find a job, find business partners and even get to know your soulmate.
Girls, with the help of such sayings on the pages of social networks, will help their man to think, draw conclusions and take into account their experiences. Free ladies will be able to sort out unnecessary fans from those who want to be friends by status. Choose phrases to express emotions correctly, then you will be happy and understanding.