America Latin Estate ( reviews, features and description

America Latin Estate ( reviews, features and description
America Latin Estate ( reviews, features and description

ALEI (America Latin Estate Incorporated) positioned itself as a financial project and offered its depositors a monthly reward - a maximum of 12 tax-free percent of the deposit amount (minimum interest rate - 7%).

Today, the site has disappeared from the search results, and the project itself has been declared a Scam.

Was ALEI a pyramid scheme? was not a 100% pyramid scheme (reviews about the project claim to be a textbook scam). However, according to authoritative Russian financiers, the properties inherent in pyramids are still present here. True, there are few of them:

info reviews
info reviews

payments of remuneration to some investors are made at the expense of others;

company does not have a license to work with finance;

the maximum level of remuneration is much higher than the "bar" approved by the global market;

site reviews https amleinc com
site reviews https amleinc com

company, contrary to the rules prevailingin the global financial market, guarantees investors a high income by placing their advertising texts on the Web and in the media;

the company did not disclose information about its capital, assets and activities

The discreet charm of Amleinc negative reviews negative reviews

All the warnings of specialists are broken by the happy financial reports of the affiliate program participants. However, partner reviews only give hope to newcomers who are not familiar with the basic principles that can be used to identify users who are spreading knowingly false information.

All official documents posted on the Internet, but not associated with the owner's account, in fact may turn out to be an ordinary fake.

https reviews
https reviews

Reviews written by users hiding under fictitious nicknames can be rewritten in a different way at any moment or deleted forever. It is almost impossible to make a user who wrote an incognito review answer for their words.

As for ALEI partners, at the end of 2016 they were full of optimism and willingness to work. After all, they earned, according to their comments, “very cool.”

Thanks to the feedback on the site, you can trace the "life path" of this project from day one to closing.

It's hard to say if the reviews of the lucky ones are true - none of them wanted to comment under their real names. One can only assume that the mostrave reviews belong to people attracted by the participants of the "affiliate program". Trying to keep up with their mentors, they often use phrases like "very cool" and "must trust them and invest in them."

Thanks to the existence of partner content, it is possible to trace when the site "feeded". Negative reviews left by once-admiring investors indicate that the scam was first talked about in mid-December 2017. The site has ceased operations, and all information about ALEI has been removed from the global Web.

How to recognize a site with inappropriate content? reviews reviews

Participants of the affiliate program, whose goal is to attract as many gullible newcomers to the project as possible, do not care about the authenticity and quality of their texts. These people are not interested in how their content will be perceived by search robots, so their texts are full of grammatical errors.

Another feature of online scammers is unlimited generosity. Their earnings "go wild" where other users are waiting for only sunk costs.

America Latin Estate Incorporated ( Expert reviews

Since the company in question is not registered as a bank, its owners have no rights to provide deposit insurance services. Experts say that conducting financial activities is possible only with a license from the Central Bank of the country (ALEI owners do not have a license).

In addition, firms that accept deposits and pay dividends must reportwork done for free review.

A photo allegedly depicting the office of ALEI is especially "popular" among advanced Internet regulars. Experts have no doubt: the name of the company, decorating one of the walls of the office, is an ordinary collage.

As a confirmation of their suspicions, the owners of the site provided several more almost identical photos for free viewing. The only difference that makes photographic documents different from each other is that the inscription on the wall is different everywhere. All photos are published on the Internet and are freely available.

What was written about two years ago

According to advertising texts published on the Web, the management company (working with investors) America Latin Estate Incorporated began its activities in the spring of 2016. To date, five ALEI branches are in full swing in five major cities in Latin America.'s staff is a few hundred agents buying up liquidation properties. The main reason for such activities is the rescue of citizens whose material we alth has fallen to the lowest point due to the financial crisis.

America Latin Estate Incorporated is currently not interested in long-term investments. In the near future, the company's attention is focused on creating a turnover that brings immediate and maximum profit.

The financial crisis is a time of great opportunity

Seeing the crisis is not a reason for despair, but an opportunity to increase existing capital without risking anything,America Latin Estate Incorporated, according to advertising campaign participants, is buying up not only real estate, but also closed businesses of bankrupt entrepreneurs.

ALEI motivates its actions by the fact that after the end of the crisis, all real estate will rise in price again, and large investors will look at it as a tasty morsel.

Why did not everyone believe the promises of Feedback from skeptics

One of the reasons that forced the visitors of the World Wide Web to call the project under discussion the offensive word "Scam" at the very beginning of its activity was the feedback of a user who checked the geographical address of the site owners using one of the specialized services.

ALEI is reportedly headquartered in the Russian Federation.

Site according to RankW service

Many users must have been puzzled when they found out where, according to the version of the site, the server of the site is located. It is difficult to dispute the opinions of skeptics who did not trust ALEI from the very beginning and, probably, therefore, put the reputation of this project to the test. The domain name for the site in question was not registered in Latin America at all, but in Russia.

Even considering all of the above, it's too early to accuse someone of forgery. And here's why:

  1. If, for example, you access the service, you can find a similar domain name registered in Panama. It would be possible to dot all the "i" by writing an e-mail to the address: David Carrasco - [email protected]. Reviews found inInternet, indicate that none of the investors were aware of the existence of two absolutely identical domains registered on different continents of the planet. The anger of the online public was directed only at a domain name registered in the Russian Federation, which is currently unused.
  2. Absolutely all reviews (both laudatory and angry) dedicated to are written incognito, that is, without reference to the personal pages of users. Behind each standard avatar could be a person whose plans included misleading others.
america latin estate incorporated amleinc com reviews
america latin estate incorporated amleinc com reviews

Either the former investors were afraid to publish their real names, fearing someone's revenge, or this whole information whirlpool was created artificially, for the sole purpose of attracting simpletons.
