This article is about the reputation of Web user reviews can be roughly divided into two categories - "approving" and "incriminating".
The authors, who positively perceive the discussed project, recommend it to freelancers and individuals in need of additional funds as a real opportunity to receive a solid income.
Advanced netizens who denounce project computta's methods often frame their feedback in the form of leading questions and instructions intended for less experienced colleagues.
About the advertising campaign Reviews for and against
Many users who call the site a scam do not give reasons for their opinion. For some people, according to their words, the site has become the only source of income. Given the fact that almost all comments are written under fictitious nicknames and “decorated” with non-unique avatars, commentators can be divided into three categories. So they could be:

"barkers" who lure inexperienced users to other projects. Some of the authors of affiliate content can also be included in this category. insultingother people's projects and belittling their importance, the partners of the affiliate program emphasize the strengths of (high-income mining) in the hope of increasing the number of their personal groups;
- people who do not have much sympathy for the project under discussion or the local admin. Comments in this category breathe sarcasm and consist mainly of stinging words;

true connoisseurs, for some reason wishing to remain unrecognized. There is no doubt that specialists belong to this category. Advanced users, as a rule, back up their words with unobtrusive instructions formed during their professional activities
Why "mining" is unprofitable
Experienced freelancers, based on personal experience, also write reviews. It is a pity that these lines begin to interest beginners after time and money have been spent, and high income has not been achieved.
As an example, we can cite advertising reviews of as a "generous" project, giving newly registered miners one dollar for promotion. However, in order to “mine” the coveted amount to be withdrawn (we are talking about 560 rubles or 10 dollars), a freelancer will have to spend more than a month (or even two).
The miner "mines" only for himself
If newbies looked through the comments of their more experienced colleagues or burnt-out new-found freelancers, they would know: a miner has to cheat in order toenrich themselves at the expense of other people's capacities. Employees who register on his project will get a miserable crumb.
And not everyone is hired, but only owners of a powerful computer (or better, several), with a video card worth at least 20 thousand rubles.
It will all pay off

The discussion and feedback from newbies and experienced freelancers can easily be confused with similar comments on many other similar projects.
What makes newcomers to the global Web listen to the opinions of people whose name, place of residence and occupation are not known? Indeed, today even "entrepreneurs" who do not hide their personal data and provide everyone with links to their personal page in the social. networks can deceive. It can be assumed that in our time there are still gullible people who play the role of "feed" for the "sharks" of business.
It is possible that the reviews of admiring freelancers who made a firm decision to save up for a new “computer” in order to start earning “right here” were also written not without selfish intent.
I would like to mention that there is another kind of comment that is usually left unanswered. We are talking about comments like: “I wonder if I buy a computer for 25 thousand, how long will it take to recoup this purchase and start earning?”. Maybe this is the case when the posts of supposedly simpletons are written intentionally and are a kind of hint, having guessed which, realSimpletons will not fall into a financial trap.
Analysis of the site User Reviews

Analysis conducted through the RankW service showed that the project under discussion has no place in the list of consistently paying ones. The reputation of is only 2% out of 100. The same can be said about the level of reliability of the site and its methods of protecting users' private information.
Young freelancers are not recommended to visit the site, since authorization on the project, according to the results of the check, can cause a violation of their mental he alth.
Geographically, the site, reviews of which can be described as contradictory, is located in Kyiv (Ukraine), and its server is located in Frankfurt (Germany).
Check also showed that during the existence of the site two users gave positive feedback about it.
Appearing online at the end of December 2016, this project, given all of the above, has not yet won the trust of the inhabitants of the World Wide Web.