Anton Murygin's course: reviews

Anton Murygin's course: reviews
Anton Murygin's course: reviews

Investing in cryptocurrencies is one of Anton Murygin's latest tutorials. Reviews of 2017 are full of contradictions and have one interesting feature. Most of the authors of negative comments admit that the information that Anton has is worthy of being made public through the Internet.

Personality of Anton Murygin

According to information found on the Internet, Anton Murygin used the knowledge gained from teachers - Robert Kiyosaki, Igor Mann and Oleg Tinkov, developing as a professional investor. He sees investing as the only sure way to create passive income.

anton murygin reviews 2017
anton murygin reviews 2017

Searching for new opportunities for passive income, at some point Anton Murygin turned his attention to cryptocurrencies. After a comprehensive study of the blockchain, the author of the course plunged into probing this topic of investing.

“Cryptocurrency” webinar by Anton Murygin. User Reviews

Anton Murygin began the webinar with a story about how important it is to start developing in the cryptocurrency business as quickly as possible.

Informing the audience that by 2030, according to well-known billionaires, the cost of bitcoin will reach five hundred thousand dollars, Anton asked the audience to imagine themselves as rich people - owners of at least ten bitcoins and remember this state.

Before proceeding directly to the webinar, Murygin shared his joy with the audience: this time the participants of the webinar were representatives of many nationalities living in different parts of the CIS. Here are residents of Minsk, and Dnieper, and Krasnodar, and residents of Karelia, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Lvov, and many other settlements …

Blockchain technology is just the tip of the iceberg

"Digital currency and blockchain technology are not just numbers." Sharing this thought with the audience, Anton reminded those present that bitcoin has nothing to do with banks and states. Cryptocurrency is a completely new technology, an abstract form of banknotes, a system given to humanity at the right time. At the very time when the world currency and the banking system are undergoing a thorough metamorphosis.

anton murygin cryptocurrency course reviews
anton murygin cryptocurrency course reviews

“The new currency is also good because it does not require the intervention of third parties - representatives of banks and states - and in no way depends on them. Cryptocurrency, - continues Anton, - is not tied to any country. It can be sent from anywhere in the world to any other point. Cryptocurrency cannot be abolished or destroyed. All prohibitions and attempts by the leaders of many states to destroy the virtual currency failedsuccess.”

Advanced users who left feedback on Anton Murygin's course call learning a pure divorce, but admit that the author has very interesting information.

Webinar is bullshit…

This phrase perfectly reflects the opinion of dissatisfied users who bought Anton Murygin's training course on cryptocurrencies. The reviews sound about the same: Anton did not fulfill the promises made during the advertising campaign.

Some people even accuse Murygin of embezzling a large amount of money that he keeps in cryptocurrency in order to confuse bailiffs.

According to the authors of some reviews, Anton Murygin conducted “Investing in Cryptocurrency” offline. This means that the millions of users who came to the webinar from all over the world did not actually exist.

“Why can’t cryptocurrencies be destroyed? Because it doesn't belong to anyone"

The fact that cryptocurrencies are not amenable to state regulation, according to Anton Murygin, indicates the beginning of global changes awaiting earthlings.

Cryptocurrency can not only be taken away from anyone. Moreover, information about the amount of crypto money stored on citizens' virtual accounts is not available to third parties.

Anton Murygin: “You only need to invest in cryptocurrencies”

The birth of cryptocurrencies is a rather complicated process. This is the result of the work of a large number of computers scattered across cities, countries and continents. Computers solve the most complex mathematical problems, and as a result of thisactivity appears digital currency.

Mass investments, according to the author of the webinar, bring much higher earnings, as people united by a common cause are interested in each other's success. They help and prompt each other, together they make the right decision.

According to the authors of individual reviews, Anton Murygin created his own video clip (the one he passes off as a webinar) in order to find buyers for an inconsistent training course.

Who will benefit from a course on investing in cryptocurrencies

Despite the negative reviews, Anton Murygin's cryptocurrency course is actively advertised on the Web. In particular, Murygin reports that his "brainchild" is regularly updated and evolves, as, indeed, the cryptocurrency niche itself. In particular, the promotional video says that the training program dedicated to crypto-investment is designed for people who strive for self-development, who want to learn something new, increase their existing capital.

anton murygin's course on cryptocurrencies reviews
anton murygin's course on cryptocurrencies reviews

One of the main tasks of the new training program, which, by the way, its creator considers paramount, is the correct setting of goals. Anton Murygin invites everyone to repeat his personal experience and succeed.

By the way, according to netizens who left negative reviews about Anton Murygin, cryptocurrency has become his strong point after a series of failures in real estate trading.

Anton Murygin about the profession of a re altor

Indeed, in his previous video Anton Murygintalked about the pros and cons of the profession of a re altor. The main advantage of this profession, according to Anton, is the possibility of obtaining solid earnings.

anton murygin reviews
anton murygin reviews

The author of the course invites everyone to learn the basics of this profession to use his step-by-step training system. Using the latter, the beginner will gradually become a professional and will be able to claim to increase his check by ten or even twenty times.

“Another plus of this profession. The re altor plans his time at his own discretion and is not obliged to report to anyone. How much to work, he decides for himself. But, by abusing this opportunity, the individual who has chosen this profession can "go into the red." By not giving in to the job, as employees do, many professionals lose their grip over time. Therefore, people who have chosen this path need to educate themselves - do not forget about self-discipline. Only in this way can they count on success…”.

anton murygin investing in cryptocurrencies reviews
anton murygin investing in cryptocurrencies reviews

A serious advantage of the profession, the author of the training course considers the ability to dramatically change the circle of communication. Further, Murygin cites events from his past.

When Anton was just starting to work on the Internet, his circle of acquaintances began to change until it was transformed beyond recognition. Owners and millionaires began to appear in his entourage - people who have the opportunity to buy apartments and part with millions without hesitation.

The environment in which Anton now rotates opens up more and morecapabilities. Quite large sums of money began to appear in his life, and after some time Anton got so used to them that 100, 200, 300, 500, 700 thousand ceased to delight him.

By the way, the Internet found reviews of users who consider themselves involved in the formation of the financial "fund" Anton Murygin. Feedback from these people can be described as "extremely negative." The topic of Murygin's misappropriation of other people's money pops up in the discussion thread of almost all of his training videos.

“But this,” sums up the author of the course, “is far from the limit”…

responses from the anton murygin fund
responses from the anton murygin fund

Anton sets the listeners up as an example of his new acquaintances - re altors who earn several million euros per transaction.

A minority of users who watched this video had only one question for Anton Murygin. The reviews of these people will certainly be of interest to many. They wonder if Anton had friends before he became an online entrepreneur, and if they did, do they communicate with Anton now?

“…when you start moving around in this environment (the environment of moneybags), large amounts become normal for you… It is easier for you to accept them, and thus, in addition to the fact that your financial ceiling is developing, your environment is also developing…”.

course anton murygin reviews
course anton murygin reviews

Next, Anton reveals that his environment has changed 100 percent since he got into real estate. Solid friends and connections appeared. There were a huge number of opportunities, many successfultransactions relating not only to the sale or lease of real estate, but also to construction and resale.

The work of a re altor, according to Anton Murygin, is not only a variety of ways to earn money. It is also a way to "pump" yourself as a specialist, expert and businessman.

Minus should become plus

The disadvantages of any profession Anton calls all those aspects that a novice entrepreneur failed to turn into a plus. “The work of a re altor,” the lecturer continues, “is not suitable for everyone. For example, a person who believes that once they get this job, they can lie on the couch all day, read the newspaper, and occasionally break away from this activity to talk to a client on the phone, is unlikely to succeed in this field.”

In this profession, according to Anton, organized and active people succeed, and then he gives another example when an obvious minus turns into a plus over time.

The author of the video has in mind the need to work hard and hard at the very beginning of the career. Only after developing their own client base and creating a kind of “cyclone” around themselves (customers, advertising campaigns and experience gained), an entrepreneur will be able to reduce labor activity and work exactly as much time as he wants to devote to work.

Anton Murygin compares the acquisition of professional skills with riding a bicycle: to accelerate, you need to make an effort and gain the desired speed. When the speed is gained, it just needs to be maintained.

"Where is the money?" - ask the authors of negative reviews. Anton Muryginin their eyes - an ordinary swindler who appropriated the funds of investors who believed him. It should be noted that the commentators cannot confirm their correctness and, it seems, are not going to do this.
