So you've created a website. What's next? Naturally, you need to somehow tell users about its existence. That is why the first and most important task is to "light up" in the search engines. Moreover, in the future they will become the most powerful source of traffic.
How it works
Indexing the site in "Yandex" is performed by search robots. These are the most complex programs that regularly crawl all the pages from their database of URLs. This is how the search engine learns about all the changes and generates results (in other words, it selects sites that will be in the TOP).

But what if the resource is brand new? There are two ways to get bots to visit you:
- place links on other, already indexed sites (during the next scan, the program will go through them and add the relevant information to the database);
- directly through Yandex. Webmaster.
Experienced SEOs usually use both options tothe search engine immediately added as many pages as possible to the database.
When can I submit a site for Yandex indexing?
Technically, anytime. However, do not rush to open "Webmaster" and post links wherever possible. 70% of the successful indexing of site pages in Yandex depends on the quality of the resource itself. What does this mean?
- No copy-paste! Use only unique content.
- Check the validity of the code. In recent years, search engines have given preference to light, convenient resources with adaptation for mobile devices.
- Write meta tags on all pages: title, keywords, description.
- Do good internal linking. It is important that you can follow the links to any page of the site (and ideally, the path should be no longer than 3 clicks).

After that, you can safely register in Webmaster and submit a request for indexing. But you should not do this in advance - if the search engine sees an unfinished resource, then the process may drag on for months.
How long to wait?
Here's the catch. No one can give you an exact answer because the process is completely automatic - even company employees cannot speed it up.
On average, a high-quality and well-configured resource appears in the search results in 2-14 days.
However, even after that, indexing of the site in "Yandex" will be slow for some time. Why is that? The fact is that the search engine has a certain "whitelist". First of all, bots visit trust sites trusted by Yandex - long-existing, with good TIC indicators and high traffic.

Frequency of updates also plays a role. The more often you regularly post interesting and relevant content, the faster new pages are indexed. For major news portals, this has already been happening for 10-15 minutes.
How to check site indexing in Yandex?
At the launch stage, it is very important to keep track of which pages are already in the database. There are several ways to find out.
First - directly in the search engine. Using the special site operator, you can see all of the pages on the site that are currently in the index. It looks like this:

However, this method has a significant drawback. The system produces no more than 1,000 results. What if there are more pages on the site? In this case, it is better to use the Yandex. Webmaster tools.

Some optimizers prefer to work with paid programs and services - PR-CY, SeoMonitor, Topvisor, etc. They allow not only to see the current state of the resource, but also the dynamics of changes. By the way, your indicators in other search engines are analyzed at the same time. Below is an example of a corresponding report from Topvisor.

"Bait" for bots: 8 ways to lure them to the site
There are a lot of myths in SEO. One of them is that the accelerated site indexing in Yandex is available only to thousands of trust "dinosaurs". This is partly true. But if you know how the search engine works, you can influence the behavior of bots - and without spending a dime.
Now to the point. What can I do to make Yandex add your site to the database faster and start promoting it?
- Create a quality Sitemap. A sitemap is a special XML file that contains links to all pages of a resource. Thanks to him, the bot will not randomly wander through sections, but will crawl all URLs, taking into account their priority.
- You can create your own version of Sitemap for users. It is important that you can get to the HTML-map from any page of the site in 1 click.
- Add your resource to 5-10 white directories (no backlink). This is inefficient for promotion, but now our goal is the successful indexing of the site in Yandex.
- Broadcast new content with RSS feed. To make announcements appear on other sites, register it in special RSS directories (RSSReader, LiveRSS, Plazoo, etc.).
- Write 1-2 articles with links to your resource and publish them in free directories like RusArticles and "Articles Catalog".
- Add your site to and Rambler TOP-100 ratings.
- Sign up for social bookmarking services ("BobrDobr", "My Place", LinkMarker).
- Publish 2-3 interesting articles about your resource in social news services (NEWS2, SMI2, Newsland, LivePress).

If your budget allows, you can also buy links to your resource on exchanges like Sape. It is desirable that they be placed on the main pages - then indexing is much faster. Try to choose high-quality sites, with high rates of the TIC and placement in Yandex. Catalogue.
If the site is not indexed for more than a month: looking for reasons
Sometimes, even after placing links, nothing changes. What could be the problem? Most often this is due to incorrect site settings.
Let's look at a few versions to check first.
The site or individual pages are blocked for indexing in robots.txt. Before starting the analysis, the bots scan this file. The Disallow command is used to show which parts of the site should not be visited at all (as a rule, these are the admin area and some service files). Make sure that robots does not prohibit indexing the main page and main sections

Privacy settings enabled. This is a common problem for WordPress users. This site allows you to make the site closed to search engines with one click. Make sure that the resource is available to bots by opening "Settings"> "Reading" in the admin panel

Bpage meta tags contain the noindex parameter. In this case, you will have to change the code of each page separately. You can just remove the line of code or change the value of the content field to index, follow

Mistakes while scanning. In simple terms, for some reason, the bot simply cannot get to new pages. The "Webmasters" panel has a separate tab where reports for the last 3 months and error alerts are stored

Unstable operation of the resource. Sometimes site indexing in Yandex does not occur due to hosting or server failures - when the bot comes to crawl the pages, the resource is simply unavailable. In this case, it is better not to save money, but to choose a reliable service

Your domain is under filters. This is possible if the given name was previously used by other resources. You can check a domain for a ban in a minute - when you try to add it to Webmaster, you will see an error message. To remove the block, you will have to send a review request to Yandex

Fortunately, in practice, such problems with indexing are rare, and most often the owners of new sites simply do not have the patience. Be wiser: if you are sure that everything is in order with the site, focus on filling it with quality content and attracting first users from otherssources.