Cell phone Senseit P10: reviews

Cell phone Senseit P10: reviews
Cell phone Senseit P10: reviews

So, now we will get acquainted with the phone called Senseit P10. To be honest, this model is not so popular with buyers. All this is due to the fact that the characteristics here are not very strong. Especially by modern standards. However, the Senseit P10 phone is one product that has attracted the attention of some buyers. But why? Are old phones still popular? And why buy such a gadget if you can buy a full-fledged and multifunctional smartphone or iPhone?

senseit p10
senseit p10


Let's start with the fact that the first important characteristic is nothing more than a screen. Since we are dealing with a more or less old phone model, there is no need to rely on a large diagonal. The Senseit P10 has a small one. But for a 2000-2001 gadget, the normal one is 2 inches. After all, phones of this type were invented precisely in this period of time.

Fortunately, the display is in color. And this is already pleasing. Of course, you should not hope that the colors on it will be very bright and vibrant. After all, this phone was designed based on the quality of the product as a whole, and not on individual characteristics and capabilities. In principle, in sunny weather you will still be able to seequite clear image on the display. And this is already pleasing. Especially if we take into account the fact that we are not facing a "fancy" smartphone, but an "old" phone. More precisely, made according to old technologies. But all this does not repel users. And Senseit P10 does not disappear from the market of goods and equipment.


Next, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the device. Since we are dealing with a variant of a rather old model, it should not be large. This is the prerogative of modern smartphones. And the small sizes please many owners. Especially if the main task of the device is writing messages and maintaining communication. In this case, it makes no sense to fork out for an expensive smartphone with a bunch of various extras.

The width of the Senseit P10 is 58 millimeters, the length is 126. But the thickness of this device is large. Senseit P10 (orange or any other) has as much as 2.2 centimeters in this parameter. Quite a lot for a modern model. But if we take into account that the production technology of "Senseit" is quite old, then we can conclude that everything in this sense is in perfect order.

senseit p10 reviews
senseit p10 reviews

In addition, the Senseit P10 cell phone, reviews of which are so common on the Internet, is very convenient to use and hold in the hands of even a child or teenager. This is all due to the small size of the device. Unfortunately, few people can boast of such convenience now. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the Senseit P10 just because of the screen andsmall size. But that's not all. After all, the model should have some advantages? One that allows you to compete with expensive smartphones and other feature-packed and powerful gadgets?

This phone weighs, by the way, too little. Only 136 grams. Compared to modern smartphones, this is negligible. Especially if you take into account that this particular model is very easy in practice. And the owners cannot say that the weight is really like that. Rather, everyone assumes that the phone weighs several times less. But you can't argue with the manufacturer. So, the weight category of the model is quite acceptable.


Unfortunately, Senseit P10 Orange cannot boast of memory. After all, the built-in is extremely small - only 512 MB. For a modern phone, this is negligible. It can be said to some extent that the model does not have its own space. Nevertheless, this does not prevent the system from successfully coping with the tasks put forward. And this fact pleases.

But there is a way out - the use of a memory card. The Senseit P10 mobile phone supports MicroSD up to 16 GB. Not much, but enough for this model. After all, this is not a full-fledged smartphone, but just a rather primitive means of communication. That's what "Sensei" is called by some users. And in vain. After all, this device is able to work longer and better than many modern gadgets. What is missing in Senseit P10? Why is this model called "ancient"?

phone senseit p10
phone senseit p10

Differences from a smartphone

In general, if we consider the Senseit P10 phone, reviews of which we are studying, in general, it is fundamentally different from smartphones. Nevertheless, there are a number of features that can push the user away from the purchase. Let's focus on the key points.

The first is the operating system. It is standard for older phones. That is, it is not Windows, not iOS, not Android, and not even Symbian. So, according to many potential buyers, using this gadget is not worth it. After all, other systems are simply unacceptable in modern society. But in fact, it turns out that sometimes they allow you to extend the life of the device.

Second - RAM. It is present in all smartphones. But here she is not. And it is not needed in principle. After all, the games that the Senseit P10 mobile phone allows you to run are quite primitive. And they don't require RAM or a new operating system.

senseit p10 orange
senseit p10 orange

The third is the processor. It is also an important component for smartphones, and is missing here. But that's not a problem. And the owners of Senseit, who were deliberately looking for this particular gadget, assure that all this is not necessary here. After all, the emphasis is on maintaining communication. Although due to the main characteristics of the gadget, which are so important by modern standards.


To tell the truth, many people are surprised that the Senseit P10, which is not unambiguously reviewed, has a camera. Yes, it is not of the best quality - only 0.3 megapixels. But, neverthelessless, you can take some general picture with this phone. Moreover, in capable hands, even so small a camera can become simply magnificent. The main thing is to learn how to shoot. And, of course, you should not expect that "Senseit" will allow you to zoom in images while maintaining excellent quality. If you plan to take pictures of the inscriptions, then it is better to use some kind of camera. But not to these cell phones.

To be honest, many camera owners are happy. Especially when the fact of buying a phone solely for communication support is taken into account. In such models, a camera is usually not needed at all. But here she is. And that's good. After all, Senseit P10 is a cellular phone, which, as already mentioned, is aimed primarily at maintaining communication. So we should be happy with what the manufacturer offers us.


What surprises many potential buyers in this device? For example, a non-standard approach to communication support. The thing is that Senseit P10 receives reviews for the number of possible number connections. What is it about?

In this model, you get the opportunity to connect and use multiple SIM cards. To be more precise, two. Not at the same time, but sequentially. That is, if you call one number, and then at the same time to another, you will be sent a busy signal. Thus, this factor should be taken into account.

But as practice shows, many buyers still try to work with only one SIM card. So there are fewer problems, and it's more familiar. After all, if there is no simultaneoussupport for the use of multiple SIM cards, then it makes no sense to use them. You still will not get through if necessary. What's more, you won't even know you've been called.


Communication support here, to be honest, things are not very good. Especially when the assessment is based on modern parameters. Nevertheless, for a novice user and for those who need a gadget for SMS messages and calls, the prospect of communication support is quite good.

Senseit P10 has Wap and GPRS. There is no more internet access. No 3G and also 4G. Those who are deliberately looking for this model are not afraid. After all, the phone is not particularly suitable for the Internet. As has been said several times, it is mainly suitable for calls.

senseit p10 orange
senseit p10 orange

And here the quality of communication pleases. GSM-communication is caught just fine. In addition, the "Senseit" has USB support, as well as "Bluetooth". In principle, this is enough to ensure a minimum data exchange. And, of course, do not forget about the features of the model - support for 2 SIM cards at once. But with alternate use. Also, using the camera, you can send not only SMS, but also MMS messages. A trifle, but nice.


Battery - that's what is important for both the new phone and the old one. This factor is given great attention. Everyone wants to buy a smartphone or cell phone that will work for a long time and with high quality and at the same time does not require recharging.

The Senseit's battery is removable. It's alreadypleases - in the event of a breakdown or failure, the part is quickly replaced with a similar one. And the problem is solved without unnecessary help and costs. The battery capacity is 1700 mAh. Small by modern standards, but worthy for this cell phone.

Despite the relatively small capacity, the device works extremely long. In standby mode - about 4 months. And with regular use - a month. If you decide to see how long the battery will last with a constant conversation, then prepare the charger after 20 hours of dialogue. Decent performance even for a modern gadget. Yes, the Internet will not discharge this device. But during a conversation, not every smartphone can work for almost a day. So the battery in the model is worthy of attention.

Charging, by the way, the Senseit P10 phone, the reviews of which we study so carefully along with the characteristics, quickly. Everything will take about 2 hours. Not so much. But you can use the device after recharging for a long time. Pleased, though not fundamental moment when buying.

Price tag

Do not forget about the price of the device. And given that we are dealing with a more or less old model of cellular devices, it is worth emphasizing that this gadget will not cost so much. For it will have to pay from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. And this is taking into account the fact that the phone comes with a special case, a memory card (although only 512 MB, but still it's better than nothing), and a memory keychain. Do not forget that in the box you will find evenheadset. Not the best according to modern estimates, but quite decent.

senseit p10 phone reviews
senseit p10 phone reviews

Some potential buyers still express their dissatisfaction with the price tag. Yes, now you can find a simple smartphone for the same amount. But usually such clients do not take into account the main feature of this cell model. Which one? Now we will get to know her.


It's about protecting your device. The Senseit P10 is a cell phone that is considered to be a sports phone. In the sense that it has a case with protective silicone, as well as protection against moisture. That is, this device is not afraid of falls and water. A great option for a young student - practical, convenient, and even there is no threat of a decrease in academic performance due to gadgets.

However, "Senseit" is often used by athletes and just business people who do not use the Internet for work. If you are looking for an inexpensive and well-protected phone, then the Senseit P10 is a great choice.


So we studied with you, as it turned out, a cell phone protected from all sides. To be honest, this is what attracts attention to the model. When a customer wants to buy something of high quality and inexpensive, Senseit P10 comes to the rescue.

mobile phone senseit p10
mobile phone senseit p10

If you expect that this model will meet the modern parameters of a smartphone, you should postpone the idea of purchasing. Remember: you will receive a phone that remains at the level of 2000-2005 in terms of parameters. Butcommunication quality and service life will be ensured. In general, everyone chooses a phone for himself according to his own requests. And no one has the right to determine what to buy and what not.
