JSC "Mosenergosbyt" is one of the largest companies providing services for the supply of electricity to individuals in Moscow and the Moscow region. Despite the already huge number of customers, excellent quality of services, many years of popularity and experience, the company continues its improvement, offering its customers new, modern services that make cooperation even more convenient.

Personal account of the client of JSC "Mosenergosbyt"
About two million people have already become its users. And such a huge figure arose for a reason. On the main page of the client's personal account, the inscription flaunts in huge letters: "Save time and money." And these are not empty words. The personal account of the client of Mosenergosbyt (LKK) is something that, of course, helps to do both in full. How? You will definitely understand this as soon as you enter it using your personal login and password.
LKK registration
ToTo gain access, you must go through a completely simple and quick registration process. To do this, you will need any receipt from Mosenergosbyt, a mobile phone or access to your email. The Internet page - the personal account of the Mosenergosbyt client - contains a large button with the inscription: "Register". The first time you log in, you must press it. By choosing the registration method - by e-mail address or by mobile phone number, you will be taken to a tab that requires you to fill in the fields, the information for which is taken from the receipt you have: the number of your personal account and metering device, as well as your mobile phone number or e-mail. Entering all that is required and clicking the "Next" button, you will receive a password to enter, which will complete the registration. Now you are the full owner and can use your personal account of the Mosenergosbyt client. Go back to the main page and enter your login, which is your email address, phone number or personal account number, and password.

Personal account features
As you know, the services of the Mosenergosbyt company, the personal account of a private client, which we are considering, are paid according to electricity meters installed in each apartment, house, etc. What do we do monthly, wanting to pay for the service? We look at the meter readings, enter them in the book issued by the service organization, independently calculate the amount of money spentenergy, calculate its cost and go to the bank or post office to stand in line to make a payment. Or we pay according to invoices previously issued to us, paying in addition the real amount at the end of the year. What, in principle, is nothing complicated, familiar, but how is it different?
It turns out that now it is quite possible to do without wasting time in queues. Moreover, there is no need to consider the cost of the service rendered, being afraid to make a mistake in its price. All this can be done without leaving home, using the personal account of the Mosenergosbyt client.

Submit meter readings by pressing the corresponding button. Based on them, you will be issued an invoice that corresponds to reality. Pay for it without commission immediately, without leaving your personal account. In addition, now you have the opportunity to find out the status of your personal account, analyze your electricity costs, and if some data is not clear to you, order an account detail that will reflect all accruals and payments for the period of time you are interested in. And even that is not all the possibilities. You can order receiving bills for electricity by e-mail, find out the current tariffs, order the service of Mosenergosbyt OJSC that interests you.
Mobile application
For smartphones equipped with iOS and Android operating systems, there is a mobile application "Mosenergosbyt", which allows you to use almost all the features of your personal account. It is very convenient not to remember and not to write down readingselectricity meter, and send them to the service provider immediately at the time of withdrawal. The mobile application will allow you to get the necessary information, contact the Mosenergosbyt support service, pay or get the latest information anytime and anywhere.