Digital television, which not so long ago was the prerogative of only a certain group of people, is now available to everyone. But along with the advent of open access to digital channels, many questions arose. As a rule, they all relate to the problem of choosing the right digital set-top box for the TV, connecting and setting it up.

Whatever one may say, but the cost of receivers is still quite high, and many buyers do not want to simply waste their family budget. In order to choose the best option the first time, you need to study all the nuances.
Types of digital television
The main disadvantage of analog television is the loss of signal quality during broadcast. In digital transmission, audio and video information is encoded in binary code, so that all data loss is reduced to zero. But in order to "perceive" the encoded signals, the TV must be able to "decode" them.
Unfortunately, this feature is only built into modern models. That's whyit is necessary to purchase a digital set-top box for the TV, which will act as a decoder in old TVs.
Currently, digital television is divided into 4 types depending on the broadcast technology:
- terrestrial, DVB-T or DVB-T2 standard - broadcast by TV towers;
- satellite, DVB-S format - transmitted, respectively, by satellites;
- cable, DVB-C or DVB-C2 technologies - signals come through lines;
- Internet television, IPTV - access to the channels requires access to the global network.
The first thing to do before buying a set-top box for receiving digital television is to carefully examine your TV. Some models already support multiple digital broadcast formats simultaneously.
Terrestrial television receivers
Terrestrial digital television is the most budget option, since to watch channels you need a regular indoor or outdoor antenna and the set-top box itself. In some cases, an amplifier will not be superfluous, but it depends on the distance from the TV tower. When buying a set-top box for terrestrial TV, it is important to ensure that it always supports the DVB-T2 format.

The disadvantages of choosing such a set-top box for a TV can be called the dependence of image quality on signal strength - the more interference, the worse the "picture". Another disadvantage is the relatively small number of channels - there are only 32 of them. In addition, you will not be able to watch programs in HD quality, because the signalbroadcast in the usual format.
The main advantage of a set-top box for terrestrial television is its price. Models cost 1-2 thousand rubles, while they have a large set of built-in functions. A typical representative is the Oriel TV box. The next advantage is mobility. You can connect another TV to the set-top box at any time.
Satellite TV receivers
To watch satellite TV programs, in addition to the receiver itself, you will need a satellite dish, as well as a signal amplifier. It is not recommended to assemble such a set of equipment on your own - there is a high risk that the receiver will not fit the amplifier. This implies the main disadvantage - the high cost of the finished kit.

When choosing a satellite receiver, make sure that it supports DVB-S format. As part of the set-top box to the TV, you may also need a CI slot for installing a conditional access card. With it, for a fee, you can view blocked paid channels.
Speaking of channels. Any satellite TV operator provides its customers with about 1000 programs. But for this you will have to subscribe for a monthly fee. Without it, the number of gears will drop to 30-50. But in any case, all TV channels will be broadcast in HD quality.
Set top boxes for cable channels
There are not many options when choosing a cable TV receiver. More precisely, it is only one - contact the cable television operator. Unfortunately, cable boxes for receptiondigital television are designed so that they receive a signal from only one provider. If you choose another service company, you will have to purchase the receiver again.

The advantage of such television is high image quality, which does not depend on local conditions. So, if a satellite dish can go astray from a strong wind, as well as a street antenna, then it is almost impossible to create interference in the cable. Another benefit is that you only pay for the channels you want to watch.
Internet TV
To watch Internet channels, you will need a smart TV set-top box, as well as a router and high-speed Internet. The principle of broadcasting programs is as simple as possible - the receiver purchased from the cameraman connects to the wired Internet, goes online and shows the channels you are subscribed to.

In fact, this feature can be implemented on a regular PC, but the image quality, as well as the number of channels and many other factors will largely depend on the site owner. IPTV gives you access to more than 100 channels, all of them in HD quality.
In addition to watching your favorite programs, the smart TV set-top box will give you the opportunity to access the Internet directly from the TV, as well as view the channel program, “rewind” time forward, pause the movie and much more. A significant drawback of such consoles is their price. In some cases, it can reach 25 thousand rubles. The cheapest options are onlevel 6-7 thousand
Connection Features
The answer to the question "how to connect the set-top box to the TV" depends on the device model you have chosen. If you purchased a receiver for terrestrial television, then you will need an antenna coaxial cable to connect. It can be purchased or made by screwing f-connectors onto the ends.
To connect a satellite receiver, you can use several options. It all depends on the functionality of your device. As a rule, there are several connectors on the back wall. These can be Scart, RCA slots, output for coaxial or composite cable, and other ports. The easiest way to connect is through the "tulips".

There will be no problems with connecting a cable receiver, because when choosing this option, the provider company will do everything for you. Also, do not think about how to connect the set-top box to the TV when choosing Internet TV. Most often the problem is solved with an HDMI cable. But you can also use Scart, RCA - it all depends on the functionality of the equipment.
Hardware setup
After combining the set-top box and TV, you need to switch to the appropriate playback mode. If you used a coaxial cable, then you do not need to do anything. If Scart, RCA, then use the remote control to switch the TV to AV-input mode. When using an HDMI cable, you accordingly need to select the item of the same name in the menu.
After that, start searching for channels. If, solvingthe question of how to choose a set-top box for a TV, you prefer IPTV or cable TV, then no additional manipulations are required - everything is already set up for you. Enjoy watching!