Identity is Corporate identity

Identity is Corporate identity
Identity is Corporate identity

Today it is so fashionable to call ordinary things with foreign words. For example, you can often hear "the establishment". And the man thinks, wonders what kind of miracle this is. But in fact, this is an ordinary “creation”, “establishment”. Or a statement such as "respect from me" is translated as "respect." And there are still very, very many such anglicisms. But there is another one that is rather difficult to understand. This is the term "identity". And try to figure out here what kind of set of letters and what it is connected with. But it turns out that everything is simpler than simple: identity is a corporate or corporate style. This is a corporate identification system. All these concepts are absolutely identical. And in the practice of foreign colleagues, this is called brand ID and corporate ID, where ID is an abbreviation of the English word identity - identification. This is where, in fact, such an innovative word "identity" originates.

identity is
identity is

It is also a popular service that is in high demand on the modern market of innovative services. Website development in Moscow is expensive, but creating a corporate identity for a company is no less. Often these two "goods" are bought together fromthe same performers. And you can contact such companies as Playdesign, Alexfill, Art. Lebedev Studio, Silversite and so on. And it is not at all necessary to be tied to your own place of residence: there are many good employees on the Internet.

Detailed description of the meaning of the word

Let's now take a closer look at this interesting concept. So, identity is a group of special techniques that are used in technical and artistic design. They make it possible to create original promotional material that attracts people around.

To put it simply, the identity is the face of any business, its visual basis. It consists of corporate identity and logo. To make it a little clearer, remember what is the first thing that comes to mind when we mention the Mercedes corporation? Naturally, a star that has three beams. And what is the name of the Apple company associated with? Of course, with an apple. This will be the identity we are talking about.

Many ordinary people will say that when all the documentation of the company, its promotional and souvenir products and uniforms of employees are made in the same color scheme, with identical graphic elements characteristic of this company, then this is not a very interesting sight. But this can be refuted, because such an identity promises a significant profit for the company in the market it occupies.

identity development
identity development

If a potential client sees that the promotional materials of the corporation, its documentation, names and signs of cabinets,staff badges are created in the same style, then he will understand that he is dealing with a solid organization where a close-knit and professional team works. In addition, this approach will make the recognition of the company and its promotions higher. Therefore, identity is about improving the image and strengthening the status of a brand or company in the market.

Components of the identity

The reader may have a question about what is the development of an identity, what does the corporate identity consist of. Its carriers are signs, business cards, advertising, letterheads, stands. The standard option for creating a corporate identity includes a corporate color palette and font, a letterhead, a trademark, a logo, as well as an envelope, a text sign and a business card.

Corporate style can also consist of additional fragments: souvenirs, all forms of outdoor and online advertising, folders, packages. This may include POS materials, motto (slogan), multimedia presentation, website and booklet, outdoor advertising, price list.

corporate identity
corporate identity

The main and primary task of identity

The main goal of an identity is to tell about a specific business concisely, clearly and in such a way that it is firmly entrenched in memory. This requires not just a fashionable style and a beautiful logo, but it is necessary that the corporate identity emphasizes the company in the chain of competitors. It should make the corporation extraordinary and intriguing for partners and clients. Relevance is a rare but simple quality that describes a good identity. The logo must tell exactly about this company, and not about any other.

Corporate identity rules

Corporate identity will not have the right to exist if those who are engaged in it do not adhere to the basic rules for its creation. So, the first rule says that when creating the image of a corporation, one should start from imagery. If you're trying to promote an automaker, don't use an image of a locomotive to advertise it. The image must support the idea of this business. Only in this case it will be easy, and it will be remembered for a long time.

Rule number two says that there is no need to give the main role to the logo. Today, many companies can exist without it, or the name of the company itself can act as a logo. Almost no one knows the Beeline logo, but it exists. But corporate shades - yellow and black stripes - are known to every person. Everyone knows that they symbolize the mobile operator.

corporate identity
corporate identity

A few more rules

Another important point: it's best not to overdo it with creativity. Thanks to visual identification, the identity should answer two questions: "What kind of company is this?" and "Why does the client need it?" From this it is concluded that it is obliged to fully support the ideology of the corporation. And the ideology itself implies management principles, corporate traditions and categories of potential customers.

And the last rule is socialization, that is, ideas of howcorporate identity will work in the media.

corporate identity
corporate identity

Identity is essential

So, what is corporate identity (identity) we figured out. But is it really that important to the company? Of course, because this is a guarantee of success for any business project. Every successful company strictly monitors the quality of its corporate identity. It improves its perfection and relevance. It often happens that in order to bring a corporation out of a crisis, it is necessary to change the identity. Also, style changes are resorted to when a company needs to enter a new market or refine its activities.

Identity is a banner under which the business of this or that entrepreneur goes. It is incredibly important to have a corporate identity and a great logo, because these criteria are met and, more often, seen off.