How to name an album in contact: we are creative

How to name an album in contact: we are creative
How to name an album in contact: we are creative

Today it is extremely difficult to meet a person who is not registered in any social network: absolutely everyone is mired in this web, with the exception of some pensioners who are not friends with computers. Among young people, the VKontakte website, or, in common people, contact, is very popular. Naturally, this resource is full of pages similar to each other with equally boring presentation of information about their owners, meager photo albums and banal avatars.

how to name an album
how to name an album

Each young user of social networks wants to stand out from the main contingent, attract attention, be individual and memorable. This desire is quite understandable, since the page on the social network today serves as a business card. And as you call the ship, so it will sail …

Photo albums are a separate issue altogether. In addition to the function of self-promotion, they also perform another important purpose: they work as a real repository of photographs. If a photo saved on a hard drive can easily be lost, then this will not happen with a page on the World Wide Web. Today, users can storeas many photos as you want on your profile.

But album titles are mostly boring, like "Me", "Me and my cat", "Us" or something like that. Why not approach the process of creating a photo vault creatively and with a twinkle? So, how to name an album in contact?

what is the name of the album
what is the name of the album

The main thing is not to overdo it with originality. It is one thing to name an album with wedding photos "And swore eternal fidelity", and quite another - "Love to the grave." You always need to know the measure, and although a sense of humor is a great helper when choosing an album name, it can play a cruel joke on you, and instead of likes, you will get a lot of mocking comments.

You can use words and expressions in other languages, it always attracts attention and looks beautiful. It happens that in elementary English words people make curious mistakes, and they are ridiculed: do not write without the help of a translator if you do not know how. You can name an album in contact, as an option, with a line from any songs, poems, or even a quote from the classics. The main thing is that the "suit fits", that is, that the quote is in place.

You can use quotes from famous people or lines from jokes - it all depends on the theme of the album. If you do not want to resort to quotes and aphorisms, try to come up with a name yourself, based on some details of your album. For example, if this is a thematic album from a walk, where you are holding a camomile in one of the photos, you can nameits "Loves - does not love". It's not so difficult to invent the original name, even if you posted a lot of photos from gatherings in the country. The main thing is to come up with a more or less romantic name for the photo with beer and roach, shading what is happening, for example, "Sabbath on the River." Or you can characterize images with humor if you know how and like to laugh at yourself. Think over these little things before deciding how to name the album in contact.

album titles
album titles

Determine a set of photos before deciding what to name the album. In contact, you can create an infinite number of albums, but you should not fill them with monotonous pictures from the same event. It is much better if the collections are thematic, interesting and, moreover, with a bright, memorable name.

In the same social networks, users create special groups where people all over the world come up with album names on request. Also, you can always borrow ideas from friends and arrange them in your own way.

Don't be afraid to fantasize and express yourself!