How to find out your phone number: all the ways

How to find out your phone number: all the ways
How to find out your phone number: all the ways

Not all people can boast of a perfect memory. Sometimes we cannot immediately remember even the date of our own birth, let alone a mobile number. Are there any proven ways to remember it at the most important moment? How to find out your phone number if you forgot it?

Everything ingenious is simple

How to find out your phone number
How to find out your phone number

For some reason, not everyone immediately guesses just to call someone. Today, all phones support the function of automatic identification of numbers for an incoming call (unless, of course, you have a caller ID connected). The easiest way is to send an SMS or call someone who is near you. Do not be shy about this even if you need to write a new acquaintance in the phone book. Admit your forgetfulness, and ask the interlocutor to dictate his mobile number first. If, in splendid isolation, you want, for example, to replenish your account through the terminal, call any friend or relative whose number you have recorded. But still, not in all situations, this way to find out your phone number is available.

If your operator is Beeline

Is it possible to knowphone number
Is it possible to knowphone number

Like any other operator, Beeline is always ready to remind its forgetful subscribers of their phone number. To do this, just go to your personal Internet account, if you have it connected to this SIM card. The number for calls is 067410, the call is free. Using the autoinformer, you can find out not only your number, but also a lot of other useful information. There is also a tone dialing command - 11010, if it is difficult for you to remember such a long combination of numbers, dial 110. After pressing the call key, a menu will open in which you can easily select the item you are interested in. There is another way to find out your phone number on Beeline - you need to select the appropriate item in the operator's menu (this is a separate section in the general phone menu).

If your operator is Megafon

Find out whose cell phone number
Find out whose cell phone number

MegaFon subscribers can call the general information center at 0500. Then you need to follow the prompts of the answering machine and, after switching the device to tone mode, select the sections of interest. The call is free, but if there is a minus on your account, you will not be able to get through. There is also a short combination - 127 and a call key. After typing it, you will receive an SMS message or the answer will be displayed on your screen. Attention, depending on the current tariff plan, the service may be paid. Megafon also has an Internet service that allows each subscriber to create a personal account. Now you know how to get your phone number from this operator.

How to find out your number for MTS subscribers,Tele2 and other operators?

If you have MTS, a call to 0887 will help you remember your number. In roaming, the service may be paid. There is also a command - 1110887, access to the main menu - 111. For Tele2, the command is 201, the number will immediately appear on the screen, the service is also available with a negative balance. "Life:)" subscribers can use one of two commands - 115 or 147. In the first case, information about the number and tariff will be obtained, in the second - only about the number. You can get information about your number and account status from almost any operator by calling the main reference number. Sometimes you need to make several transitions in the menu, but if you carefully listen to the prompts, then this is not at all difficult. Also, almost all operators have online services through which you can access many services. Almost always you can find out through them and your number. As you can see, everything is relatively simple. It is much more difficult, for example, to find out whose cell phone number, if you find the device.

How to stop forgetting your number?

How to find out your phone number
How to find out your phone number

The easiest way is to save a contact with your number in your phone. If you do not want to overload your notebook, save the desired combination of numbers in your notes or draft messages. Some devices have a detailed phone information item in the menu. Displayed in it, as a rule, and the number of the SIM card. Accordingly, if you pull it out and insert another one, you can see a different number. If you have to exchange frequentlycontacts with people, it is useful to order business cards. After that, you do not have to worry about whether you can find out the phone number from the operator, it will be enough to carry one card in your wallet. For those who regularly use a notepad or organizer, the contact written on the first page will be the best reminder. But still, the most reliable and best way to save yourself from forgetting is to learn a combination of numbers. Paste the sticker on the wall near your workplace and read your number several times. You can come up with some associations for each number. You can use traditional or personal meanings, so "13" can be either the "hell's dozen" or your birth number. If you wish, you can even compose a short story or poem in which your number will be encrypted. But if you do forget it, now you know how to act in order to remember it. And it does not matter at all which operator you use.