Quality cameras have always been in the price. And even despite the advanced cameras of smartphones, phones will never be able to replace the classic camera. No matter what the marketers say. You should not listen to them at all, since their task is to increase sales at any cost. Nothing can replace cameras with interchangeable lenses. Therefore, this type of device will never die out. At the moment, mirrorless camera models dominate the market. It is understandable. These devices do not require professional skills to operate them. However, classic DSLRs have not gone away. In this article, we will look at the best cameras with interchangeable lenses. But first, let's figure out how a SLR camera differs from a mirrorless one.

SLR cameras
These sophisticated devices are designed for professional photographers. However, some amateurs canuse. Unless, of course, they know what exposure, shutter speed, focal length and other terrible terms are. The principle of operation of DSLRs is based on the complex design of lenses that are in the camera itself. They transmit the image already to the digital sensor. This is how a classic DSLR works. Its feature is lenses. They are the ones that give you the best quality. However, in order to manage such equipment, you need to take special courses. Well, or take a couple of hundred thousand photos without any lessons. Then the skill will come. These cameras traditionally top the rating of cameras with interchangeable lenses. Even despite the growing popularity of mirrorless models. Knowledgeable people will never choose the latter if it is possible to buy a high-quality DSLR. And in this they are right. But enough about these cool cameras. Let's move on to simplified models.

Mirrorless cameras
These devices were invented relatively recently. They combine the ease of operation of simple digital cameras and the ability to use a top-end lens from some professional Nikon. Of course, in this case, the technology is much more advanced than in ordinary soap dishes, but the principle is the same: these cameras do not have lenses. The image from the lens here immediately falls on the digital matrix. These cameras have a number of advantages over DSLRs: they are much smaller, much easier to use, and great for travel. Howeverprofessionals do not yet seek to switch to mirrorless. Since the quality will still not be the same. However, these are also cameras with interchangeable lenses. And therefore it will be necessary to consider them in this review. But enough lyrics. Let's move on to the review.

1. Nikon D750 Body
Opens up our DSLR rating (as expected). Nikon camera with interchangeable lenses. It is this model that is very actively used by both professionals and amateurs. And despite the fact that only the camera is included in the kit. Without lens. The manufacturers were counting on the fact that beginners would definitely not buy this device, and professionals and advanced amateurs have long had their own set of favorite lenses. It must be said that this approach allows us to weed out those who cannot afford this device. The Nikon D750 Body is the most affordable full-frame professional DSLR. It has a high-quality CMOS sensor with a resolution of 24 megapixels, a bright viewfinder, a swivel screen, a Wi-Fi transmitter and the ability to record on two memory cards at once. And the camera can shoot high-quality video in Full HD. A real find for both the professional and the amateur. This is clearly one of the best cameras with interchangeable lenses. However, let's move on to the next participant in the rating.

2. Canon EOS 1200D
And again the DSLR! The interchangeable lens camera from Canon is a great option for beginners and advanced hobbyists. Excellentcopes with shooting in any conditions. However, it has one drawback (like all SLR cameras) - it is quite heavy. Nevertheless, this is one of the few full-frame DSLRs that can please a beginner. This device has an advanced (and well-proven) CMOS matrix with a resolution of 18 megapixels. But despite this, the camera is able to produce excellent detailed and clear pictures. And with a top-end lens, she won’t have a price at all. Many professionals choose products from Canon. True, those are a higher class and much more difficult in terms of management. And this model is just right for a novice photographer. The main thing is to learn how to handle it (which is not difficult at all) and get a couple of good lenses for all occasions. Then you can try yourself in real photography, and eventually reach a higher level. But we digress. Let's continue the review.

3. Olympus OM-D E-M10 Kit
This is a mirrorless camera. It is she who leads the rating of mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses. This camera is much simpler than the SLR prototypes and therefore sells better. This is a great chance for a beginner photographer to join the world of great photography. After all, this camera, although it has toy dimensions, but the price and characteristics of it are not toy at all. In some respects, it even surpasses DSLRs (for example, sensor resolution). However, the notorious CMOS matrix is not here. Dimensions do not allow. And the restthe features are pretty good. Especially pleased with the rich fleet of interchangeable lenses for this camera. In general, this particular model belongs to the best cameras with interchangeable lenses from Olympus. Some experts in the field of photography also support this opinion. In any case, this camera allows you to get very clear, detailed and color-correct pictures. With the naked eye, it is impossible to distinguish between a picture from this camera and a photo taken by an advanced DSLR. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase this camera to start with. Moreover, it costs less than the cheapest DSLR. However, we will continue to consider other cameras.

4. Sony Alpha A6000 Kit
The top mirrorless camera that even photography professionals do not shy away from using. The interchangeable lens camera Sony Alpha A6000 Kit has excellent technical characteristics and strict vintage design. This camera features a high-quality 24.3-megapixel sensor and a huge selection of interchangeable lenses. Also, the camera can record video in Full HD progressive scan at 60 frames per second. Not all DSLRs are capable of this. That is why professionals like to use this device. However, the principle of controlling the camera is so simple that even a beginner can handle it. It is currently the best-selling compact camera with interchangeable lenses. And even despite the rather high cost, many people buy it. Especially sinceThe quality of Sony products is well known all over the world. This mirrorless camera will be an excellent tool for creating masterpieces. It provides amazing quality photos. Clarity, sharpness and color depth - like on the best DSLRs. Definitely, this camera deserves attention. However, let's move on to other models. They also have a lot of interesting things.

5. Fujifilm X-H1
This mirrorless camera can rightfully be called a flagship. Yes, and its price seems to hint at this. This is one of the best interchangeable lens cameras from Fujifilm. Many professionals prefer it, and not some cheap DSLR. And there are good reasons for such a choice. This camera has an APS-C sensor with a maximum resolution of 24.3 megapixels. But these are trifles. In fact, the camera is much cooler. It has the option of optical stabilization, burst mode, the ability to record video in 4K progressive scan at 60 frames per second. She can also write Slo-Mo at 120 frames per second. The crown of everything - lightning-fast autofocus. There are also a huge number of manual settings. This camera is the best of interchangeable lens cameras. However, the price of this miracle of engineering is appropriate. It is understandable. Such an advanced camera cannot cost a penny. In any case, this camera is a great option for both professionals and beginners. A pro will find everything he needs here, and a beginner will easily deal withmanagement.
6. Nikon D3300 Kit
And Nikon again. In general, the cameras of this manufacturer have proven themselves well both in professional and amateur circles. These interchangeable lens cameras are great for taking pictures in any conditions. And the Nikon D3300 Kit SLR is a vivid proof of this. It has a high-quality CMOS matrix with a resolution of 24 megapixels, a matrix cleaning system, a special port for connecting a microphone, the ability to record video in Full HD at 60 frames per second, a convenient viewfinder, an excellent display with excellent detail, and much more. But the main advantage of the device - high-quality images with excellent depth of field and excellent color reproduction. By the way, the D3300 is the lightest camera in its segment. Many novice photographers choose it in order to get the hand used to a heavy camera. This camera was released a long time ago - in 2014. But until now, it is number one for those who are just entering the world of quality photography. And so it will be for a long time. However, let's move on to the next representative of professional and semi-professional cameras.
7. Sony ILCE-7RM3
A cool reportage mirrorless camera that can outdo all of the above cameras combined. This interchangeable lens camera from Sony has very cool features and an equally steep price. This camera has on board a full-frame CMOS-matrix with a resolution of as much as 42 megapixels. This is an incredible amount. No wonder the camera canwork with huge reportage lenses. The camera can record video in 4K format at 120 frames per second and with progressive scan. This camera can be used by professionals in any field. The capabilities of this camera will be enough for all existing tasks. It is worth noting that not everyone can afford it. Therefore, it is not very suitable for beginners. Not every novice photographer is ready to pay about 230,000 rubles for a mirrorless camera (albeit a cool one). For many, this is an unbearable amount. Therefore, it can be used mainly by professionals. It is much lighter and more compact than DSLRs of this class, and this can play a decisive role in choosing. However, let's move on to cameras simpler. Not as cool as Sony's outrageously expensive brainchild.
8. Panasonic Lumix G5
The rating of cameras with interchangeable lenses would be incomplete without a product from Panasonic. This company is known for its quality cameras. And now she has released a rather interesting mirrorless camera. This camera is based on a Live MOS sensor with a maximum resolution of 24.3 megapixels. The camera can shoot video in Full HD at 30 frames per second. Great result for a mirrorless camera. But that's not all. This camera provides the highest quality photos in any shooting conditions. Professionals, of course, will not use this camera, but amateurs may well begin to create masterpieces. And then it will be possible to move on to more serious technology. Although for a beginner this camera will last a long time. This unit is assembledvery kindly. Traditional Japanese quality. In its manufacture, only high-quality materials were used. Among cameras with interchangeable lenses, this one looks pretty good, although it took one of the last places in the rating. But this is not because it is bad, but because only professional models are now valued. But this Panasonic is not.
DSLR or mirrorless?
The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. In principle, it all depends on the personal preferences of the user himself. If he feels he can easily handle a full-frame SLR camera designed for professionals, then let him buy it. But the problem is that there are so few of them. And when traveling, there is often no time to mess around with a bunch of settings. That is why mirrorless cameras are gaining popularity now. They are able to produce a high quality image with minimal user involvement in the shooting process. Isn't this a charm for a beginner photographer? But it is worth buying a SLR at least in order to understand how to use it. This knowledge will definitely not be superfluous.
So, above we reviewed the best cameras with interchangeable lenses. Among them are both the legendary models of SLR cameras, and completely new mirrorless models. All of them provide high quality images. But some of them are used by professionals. The choice entirely depends on the user's requests. If he wants to take up photography professionally, then there are very interesting models above for the implementation of his plans. The rest will finda lot of interesting models in the camp of mirrorless cameras.