At the final stage of site development, you need to pay great attention to the question of how the resource will be promoted on the network. Description of the site - the most common and effective way to raise the position of the site in the search results. The introductory text also serves to attract the attention of the target audience, helps the user to quickly orient and tune in to the perception of this or that information. For such articles, there are a number of requirements and conditions, following which you can guaranteedly increase the popularity of the resource.

First of all, the site description should be short and concise. It is necessary to interest, to force to continue the search for information on this particular resource. Long and boring texts are unlikely to fulfill this function.
Also, the site description should not include special characters, quotation marks, and the like. Most likely, you can do without them. They do not carry a semantic load and interfere with the work of search engines.

To inspire trust and win over the user, the site description should sound sincere and respectfula message compiled by the creators of the resource, and not a dry text for analysis by a search engine computer program. That is why you should avoid repeating the same description on several pages. Offers must be unique and intended primarily for the client.
Description of the site must contain keywords related to the main theme of the resource. These will be the phrases or parts of the sentence that the client is most likely to use in the search query. Such words can be inserted into the text in different cases and numbers. It is best that the message begins with them.

Introductory text can contain absolutely any interesting information. For example, the services offered, the benefits of the resource, a description of the structure of the site, and the like - all this can be taken as the basis for compiling an inviting narrative and supplemented with a small article that will attract the user's attention, manipulating his emotions and desires. The main thing is not to forget that the text should sound really unusual. Therefore, the description of the site should not contain common expressions-stamps and boring sentences. But at the same time, the use of separate effective and loud words will not be superfluous. Often, messages that any action can be carried out easily, quickly, free of charge or guaranteed - allow you to win the favor of the client.
To check how effective this or that introductory text is, you can constantlycompose new ones or make changes to old ones, and then analyze how a fresh description of the site affects the traffic and popularity of the resource. An example of such a text for inspiration and the emergence of new ideas, of course, is better to look for on the most successful resources on a similar topic with high traffic.