Discounts and promotions in the supermarket: how to buy goods with "red price tags"?

Discounts and promotions in the supermarket: how to buy goods with "red price tags"?
Discounts and promotions in the supermarket: how to buy goods with "red price tags"?

Often, the average person is more willing to buy any product with bright red price tags, signaling promotions and discounts. In the supermarkets of any city you can see how people without hesitation buy what they do not need. And sometimes, wanting to save money, they bring home low-quality goods. Why this happens, and how to buy promotional goods in stores, is described in this article.

What are discounts and promotions?

Promotions are temporary offers to reduce the price of a specific product or a certain range of products in order to increase demand for it and sell off stale balances. As a rule, promotions are held in the supermarket in order to get rid of products that are poorly sold and reimburse the funds spent on their purchase.

discounts and promotions in supermarkets
discounts and promotions in supermarkets

Discount is the sale of goods at a reduced price. As a rule, a discounted product is sold in the following cases:

  • its expiration date has expired or is about to expire;
  • the product turned out to be defective;
  • demandone lower than the offer.

Thus, we can conclude that the presence of a discount or a promotion in a supermarket does not always indicate a benefit for the buyer. It is important to remember that a person's psychology is designed in such a way that he is ready to buy all the promotional goods simply out of a desire to save money. At the same time, a person absolutely does not think that he can overpay several times more or buy something that he does not need at all. Therefore, it is always necessary to remember some important rules, which will be presented below.

The benefits of discounts for buyer and seller

Of course, discounts and promotions in supermarkets do not always indicate any trick on the part of the seller. It happens that the store management purchased a large batch of products at a very favorable price for them, and they are able to sell it cheaper than other outlets, and thanks to the red price tags they bring this information to the end consumer. In this case, the purchase of goods will be very profitable.

promotions and discounts of Moscow supermarkets
promotions and discounts of Moscow supermarkets

It's worth noting that by purchasing promotional items, many people can save about a third of their monthly food budget. For example, knowing about promotions and discounts in Moscow supermarkets, you can save from 500 to 1000 rubles on one purchase.

Rules for purchasing promotional goods

In order to use discounts and promotions in supermarkets to your advantage, remember the following:

  • Before you go shopping, you should make a list of the main andsecondary products and goods. Thanks to this, you will be able to save yourself from unnecessary expenses, and if you want to buy something with a red price tag, the list will make it clear whether you really need it.
  • Always pay attention to the expiration date. If the product is really needed, then it is necessary to evaluate whether it will be possible to use it before the expiration date.
  • It is important to pay attention to the quality of the goods. If products offered in supermarkets or shops have been stored improperly, their shelf life will automatically be reduced. For example, meat products that lie outside the refrigerator will deteriorate much earlier than the specified period.

You should always compare prices. It happens that a supermarket deceives its customers and puts a red price tag on products that are much cheaper in other stores. Such situations are rare, but still occur in practice.

promotions in the supermarket
promotions in the supermarket


In conclusion, it is worth noting that any purchase must be conscious and necessary. It is always worth remembering that marketers use human psychology to their own advantage and the store, and extremely rarely for the average buyer. But if you correctly approach this situation, you can save quite a significant amount.