What to look for on the Internet? It would seem that there is nothing easier than finding the necessary data on the Web. In reality, even the one who first used the services of search engines can cope with this. However, at the same time, one can seriously argue with the effectiveness of such a search. Much less time can be spent searching for information on the Web, having the necessary information about the features of the work of popular search engines.
Search engines on the global Web use their own machine logic when processing queries. Relying on a few simple rules and having enough information about the use of popular search engines, you can significantly speed up the process of finding the necessary information, and most importantly, as a result, you will get exactly what you need.
Features of compiling a search query
How to search the Internet for the necessary information? For this, first of all, it is necessaryknow effective techniques for successful compilation of search queries. Doing a single word search typically results in millions of pages of results, most of which are completely irrelevant. If there are four to six or more values in the search string, the number of results is automatically reduced to several thousand and hundreds, and sometimes limited to only a couple of pages.

Moreover, searching on the Internet requires the preparation of competent queries. The more precisely the searched word or phrase is indicated, the higher the probability of finding the necessary data on the first page in the results. The thing is that search engines are not always able to correct spelling errors made by the user, and some of them are simply missed. But in some cases, the accuracy of the request may be quite important.
Among other things, you should not ignore the need to enter capital letters if the query concerns the search for a person by last name or proper names. Otherwise, among the suitable pages in the search result, there will certainly be a sufficient mass of inappropriate data indirectly related to the query.
Why is it important to use multiple search engines?

When searching the Internet, it is extremely important to use at least two search engines. After all, different ways of indexing pages will affect the results. What one search engine does not notice is surenoticed by another system. For example, using a domestic search engine can move the required information forward a few pages, while a foreign one will return the same result in the top five.
Search according to synonyms

What are more searchers on the Internet? Usually, the subject of user search is media content and entertainment, in particular, films, music, computer games. At the same time, people do not always need to find a specific request. Often in the results of the issuance, you need to see general information, different options for the same value.
To search for similar information according to the selected query, the “~” symbol is used, which must be placed before the query in the search line. For example, if you query "~best games", you might end up with links to pages that don't contain any matches with "best". However, there will be enough synonyms for this definition.
How to get multiple results at the same time?
How to search for information on the Internet to get several search results at the same time? For this, a pair of queries is separated by a special operator "|", which can be located both between several words and phrases. For example, by separating the queries "buy a car" and "buy a motorcycle" in this way, you can quickly get pages containing both options.
Taking advantage of advanced search
Using the extended functionsearch makes it possible to avoid the independent formation of clarifying queries. Instead, you can use the options that the search engine offers directly.

Most search engines know to search the Internet much better than the most advanced users, because they base their work on the statistics of the formation of popular queries. Therefore, when asking a search engine a query in the form of a search word, it is better to immediately specify it using the advanced search functionality.
How to quickly find the meaning of an unfamiliar concept?
What are people looking for online? Often, the subject of the search is materials unfamiliar to the user, as well as concepts, the essence of which needs to be understood. To instantly find the meaning of certain definitions, you just need to place “define:” before the request.
View results from the top ten pages

What to look for on the Internet? First of all, you should pay attention to the first results of the search engine. After all, it is here that not only the most relevant data is usually found, but also the results found on the most popular pages among users. As a rule, these are the most respected, trusted Internet portals containing accurate, user-friendly information.
Refining the geography of the data you are looking for
The least urgent need to specify the geography of the request looks like forresidents of capitals and large cities, but it remains important for users from remote regions. Despite the automatic determination of the user's location, which is performed by most advanced search engines, links related to large settlements will definitely appear in the first positions in the results. After all, it is in such places that the bulk of active users are concentrated.

Based on the above, don't rely too much on the search engine to determine where on the map the request comes from. Instead, it is better to immediately add a mention of the place of your stay to the search query.
Do not forget the residents of the metropolitan areas that it is most expedient to search for information on the Internet in this way. After all, the necessary goods or services can easily be outside the city. Sometimes the simplest mention of a particular region, street, or even metro station helps you quickly find the necessary stores, companies or services that are closest to the user's location.