How to make money on classes in Odnoklassniki? Find out all the nuances

How to make money on classes in Odnoklassniki? Find out all the nuances
How to make money on classes in Odnoklassniki? Find out all the nuances

With the invention of social media, life has become easier in many ways. Now you can easily find lost friends, follow the lives of your friends and keep in touch with distant relatives or friends on the Internet. However, with the help of social networks, you can not only have fun and interesting time, but also earn money. For example, in this article you will learn how to make money on classes in Odnoklassniki.

Why Odnoklassniki?

how to make money on classes in classmates
how to make money on classes in classmates

Everyone knows that, unlike the social network "VKontakte", here the audience is more mature, since the site is much less popular among young people. This will only play into the hands if there is a desire to make money in Odnoklassniki in classes. The average age of the site audience is 25-50 years. These are mostly solvent people, so the chances of making money increase dramatically.

Basic concepts

Given the appropriate age of users and the desire to get money, the question arises: "How to make money on classes in"Odnoklassniki"?" First you need to understand some concepts. A class in "Odnoklassniki" is a kind of manifestation of approval, like "I like" VKontakte or "thumbs up" on YouTube video hosting. In this social network, inscriptions in the style of "click per class, if you liked it." Thus, the material being evaluated is promoted, gaining popularity by increasing the rating, and along with it, the one who posted it on the site is promoted.

Local "money" in Odnoklassniki

earn in classmates in classes
earn in classmates in classes

The internal currency in the Odnoklassniki network is OKs. If you earn OKs in Odnoklassniki for free, it will be possible to rate photos, hide your online mode from unwanted friends, give virtual gifts, play applications or buy game currency. In order to see how to make money on classes in Odnoklassniki, you first need to earn OKs. Just like VKontakte votes, OKs can be bought for real money using a convenient online payment service or earned by completing simple tasks. First, of course, you need to create an account in Odnoklassniki and make as many friends as possible there. In addition, you will have to register for special services that will pay for your classes.

Mutual PR

The principle of this service is quid pro quo. After registering and determining the social network with which you are going to work, you will be givensimple tasks for PR of other users and some content, for which you will receive money. With this money you can pay for classes. It will take you about 100-150 rubles to pay for 500 classes.

Social Tools

earn Oki in classmates for free
earn Oki in classmates for free

This is a service with a good anti-ban system, thanks to which your page will not be blocked for various frauds. It helps to create advertising in social networks, as well as promote a variety of content, increase the number of participants in communities, and so on.

Be careful and work smart

Having done all of the above, you can both make money on classes in Odnoklassniki and promote the desired content. You can simply sell classes, and then withdraw money to the Webmoney system. The main thing is to remember about the possible blocking of the page. Good luck with your work!
