A trigger in marketing is Definition of a concept, types, application

A trigger in marketing is Definition of a concept, types, application
A trigger in marketing is Definition of a concept, types, application

What influences each person's decision? How often do people buy items that are completely useless to them? And the most important question is why? Those who are interested in answers will certainly be curious to get acquainted with such a concept as a trigger. It has different meanings in different fields. However, now we are talking about the method of influencing the audience.

Explanation of the concept

Triggers in marketing are special psychological techniques that motivate people to take a certain action right here and this minute.

This kind of influence can be generated through the Internet, print media, the common banner ads you see in every city, and many other sources. The main thing is that people really react to such signs exactly as the manufacturers intended. In marketing, triggers are not just a part of advertising, but really thought-out and proven psychological methods of influencing people.

How they work and how to avoid the next trap, you can learn from the proposed material.

General information

In marketinga trigger is a specific message that psychologically encourages the client to take a certain action. The word itself is borrowed from English and is translated as "trigger" or "provocation". In other words, in marketing, a trigger is nothing more than an impulse, a kind of challenge.

Those who truly understand the features of this concept use them as a provocation to the audience to perform a certain action. For example, to purchase a toaster and other items that you absolutely do not need.

Of course, this principle is in great demand not only in marketing, but also in business. Although the very concept of "trigger" refers primarily to psychology. In this area, it means the instinctive reaction of a person to an emerging stimulus.

The most common triggers in marketing
The most common triggers in marketing

For example, while you were standing in line at the checkout, suddenly the tune of a familiar song was heard from afar. Against this background, you became emotional, remembering the old days, and even burst into tears. But in reality it's just an ordinary song. In this situation, it is music that acts as a trigger. There can be many such provoking factors.

Assignment of triggers

At its core, this concept means a means of manipulation. If a person clearly understands what exactly influences his behavior, then he does everything consciously. In marketing, a trigger refers to a technique that can even change the customer's perception of the world.

By influencing consumers like this, a company can achieve:

  • sales growth;
  • avoid any objections from customers;
  • attract the maximum number of potential customers;
  • increasing conversions.

As you know, all people are completely different. So the ways of influencing them should also be quite diverse. For example, for some people, when making purchases, it is important that the cost is relatively low, and vice versa. In addition, a person may purchase a thing just because he does not have time to think or he really liked it.

What triggers are used in marketing
What triggers are used in marketing

According to statistics, more than 90% of purchases people make, guided at this moment only by emotions. Only with time does a person understand why he acquired this or that item.

Psychological triggers in marketing

Selling techniques affect human instincts associated with greed and fear. They start psychological processes, pushing the client to the necessary action. It is generally accepted that triggers have a positive effect on the level of sales. Yes, it is definitely so. By applying special templates and triggers, the company has a greater chance of making a one-time sale. However, she usually does not have to count on more.

In sales, psychological triggers influence and shape the actions of a potential customer.

  • Those that talk about huge discounts and sales encourage people to buy recklessly. For example,most customers will be very happy to visit a store that has "-50%" ads.
  • People will be much more likely to go to places where they will receive the attention they need, as well as show high-quality goods and affordable prices. Similar behavioral habits also lead to the formation of triggers.

If the buyer was satisfied, this significantly increases the likelihood of him returning to the store. In addition, next time he can come with friends, attracting new customers in this way.

Peculiarities of using triggers in marketing

It is very important to understand what specific marketing moves are used for in order to be able to competently use them.

In addition to the psychological impact and the imposition of goods, triggers are also used in marketing in order to win over the consumer, building friendly relations with him. So, after making a purchase, the customer may be given a form with a survey regarding the newly purchased item. This form of communication with the buyer is called a trigger program, and is often found on the Internet. It helps to build relationships with customers, while raising the store's rating.

SMS triggers
SMS triggers

In addition, a trigger can be called a situation when a consultant advises a potential buyer of a particular product. After all, in this way the seller is trying to push a person to a certain action, setting him in a certain way. This category of selling triggers includes SMS mailing and letters informing aboutnew product arrivals, special offers and discounts. Being nearby, a person can go to the store and make a purchase after receiving the information. The call as a psychological trigger is used by many modern insurance companies. And despite its simplicity, it brings good results.

Advertising also uses various techniques, but in this case it is not just about stimulating action. This is an offer that the customer must respond to immediately and buy the item described today.

The only important thing is not to use many psychological triggers at once. After all, customers are far from stupid and will immediately understand that they are being pressured.

So ease in trigger companies is one of the key factors. Such techniques are not just the essence of marketing, but also a significant part of the whole psychology of sales.

Impact of triggers on business

Production of high-quality products is not always the key to successful trading. You can tell about the huge number of small firms that offered quality services to customers, but still went bankrupt.

Today, advertising and all kinds of PR campaigns play a significant role in the number of sales, which involve the use of various methods to attract attention.

How triggers affect business
How triggers affect business

There are several types of triggers among the most common marketing techniques.

  • Clarity. In other words, potential clients shouldclearly represent the product and the possibility of buying it.
  • Simplify the buyer's task. It is probably not a secret for anyone that a person is a lazy creature by nature. Many find it difficult to even fill out a simple form. That is why most people are much more willing to respond to proposals in which the number of fields to fill in is minimal. And the list is supplemented by a ready-made calculation of the total cost. There is such a trigger in network marketing.
  • "Herd mentality". Many people tend to doubt their choice and the need to purchase it. But if a potential buyer knows that many customers have bought the offered products before him, he will have a feeling of reliability. As a result, a person will stop doubting and will acquire the thing he likes more willingly.
Call as a psychological trigger
Call as a psychological trigger

Examples of triggers

For the competent use of marketing techniques, you need to be well versed in the psychological characteristics of your customers. Professional marketers are so good at these skills that many people don't even know they're falling into the trap.

To understand the different types of triggers, examples will help.

  • Exclusive. Few people are able to refuse an exceptional offer or a unique product. That is why you can often find VIP and Pro inscriptions on the network - these simple words can easily lure potential customers.
  • Limited time. If you inform the buyer that the product he has chosen can be purchased at a bargain priceonly at a certain time, for him this will be a good impetus for the transaction. This trigger is especially effective in relation to scarce products. After all, this way a potential buyer will have a certain impression: if he does not purchase this product, he will miss his chance.
Selling triggers
Selling triggers
  • Present. Everyone loves to receive gifts, especially when it comes to free offers from companies. In business, such presentations often become excellent provocateurs for making deals. This category includes free consultations, various discounts, special offers, newsletters with useful information.
  • Indicating the number of sales. Often in advertising or on the pages of online stores you can see that more than 4,000 people have already bought a certain product or 1,867 customers have signed up for a consultation. It is this kind of trigger in marketing that often encourages people to do the same as these lucky ones in order to keep up with the fashion trend.
  • Managing human weaknesses. After analyzing in detail the instinct of greed and the desire for freebies, trigger marketers decided that huge capital could be made from these feelings. For example, promotions like "two for the price of one" or "50% off the next product" are extremely effective sales gimmicks. All people love free gifts, so often, when they see such an inscription, they simply stop thinking. But in reality, such promotions are beneficial only for sellers, since with suchpurchases, the average check size increases. All sorts of sweepstakes and contests can be attributed to this category of triggers.
  • Playing with stereotypes. In the subconscious of each person, various habits are formed over time, which as a result affect his choice and actions in relation to various phenomena. For example, many people believe that Chinese products are of poor quality, which is why they quickly break down and become unusable. Such stereotypes are often used in marketing as prejudices.

Most popular varieties

  • Maintaining intrigue. In sales, this trigger works almost flawlessly. With such a refined method, one can easily improve trading without applying money to it. An example would be a situation where, at a seminar, the trainees are told that in the next lesson they will be shared extremely valuable information in a certain area. Or during a TV show, viewers are told that at the end of the episode they will find out the whole truth. There could be many more such examples. Intrigue in marketing acts as a kind of hook that absolutely all users fall on at least once.
  • Bestseller. Such labels often adorn those products that no one has been interested in for a long time. After all, potential buyers who see such an inscription, the desire to get to know the products more closely increases. Such a trigger is often used in stores where you can find goods from last season on the shelves.
  • Confirmation. To attract the maximum number of buyers and increase sales, it is extremely important to argue product information: will it benefit or solve a certain problem, save time or money. Any seller needs to demonstrate the benefits of buying their product. In other words, it is extremely important for him to push the potential client to make a decision with the help of a trigger.

How to use marketing techniques wisely?

If you want to stand out from your competitors while having a unique offering, get it right with simple triggers.

  • report how your product helped you;
  • share the positive experience of your customers;
  • visualize real shots of your users;
  • do not try to copy other people's ads, write with your own hand;
  • talk about your product as if you really need it at this moment.
How to use triggers wisely
How to use triggers wisely

Other types of triggers

In addition to selling marketing techniques, you can use other equally successful methods:

  • storytelling - enticing stories about the services provided, products that can attract other people to sales;
  • all kinds of entertainment - videos, games, bright pictures - all this delays visitors to the site;
  • professionalism is the constant acquisition of qualifications, knowledge, skills;
  • everything new - interesting information, trending products, trendytrends;
  • warranty obligations - the quality of the goods, the return of money, free service - all this forms the customer's trust in the seller.

All described triggers are highly effective, which has been proven by professional marketers.
