How to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi: a few simple ways

How to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi: a few simple ways
How to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi: a few simple ways

Times are changing and modern man is increasingly tied to making money online. Someone gets money through freelancing, some part-time jobs, and someone even manages to make money literally out of thin air. The latter include those people who make money on playgrounds, for example, on Steam, where video content and digital versions of programs are also distributed. The question logically arises, how to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi or another electronic wallet?

how to withdraw money from steam to qiwi
how to withdraw money from steam to qiwi

What's the question?

Most likely, you have an account in one or even two payment systems. It is convenient, mobile and very profitable. For many stores there are preferential offers with payment by electronicmoney. By the way, some "stash" on an electronic wallet can help out quite well when the cash suddenly runs out. Many customers of payment systems use wallets on virtual trading platforms, which include Steam.

So the question arises for users, what to do with the funds that remain on Steam. Naturally, you want to withdraw money as soon as possible. How to do it? Through an intermediary, a store or an electronic wallet? Many people do not delve into the essence of the problem and use methods that they do not own. As a result, the money flies away to unknown distances and it all ends with complaints about enterprising scammers and their own gullibility.

What not to do

How to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi? There are actually enough ways, but first of all, it is necessary to note those that are not recommended to be used. Immediately discard in the trash resources that offer to make an instant withdrawal directly. With such an offer, you will lose not only money from Qiwi, but also an account with a Steam wallet. Still, this site does not provide for the withdrawal of money to another system. The situation will not change in the near future.

Don't trust the word of honor of unfamiliar people who offer to work with your wallet or transfer money to themselves in order to give it to you later. Miracles happen, of course, but rarely with money. The offer may look very transparent, but no one gives you a guarantee. To eliminate the risk of fraud, intermediaries appeared,ready to monitor the cleanliness of the operation for some commission, by the way, very significant. Specialized sites also appeared, however, without reviews on the Web.

If you do not like this method, then try withdrawing money through the store. It's easier, but longer. You purchase items for games, and then sell them in stores and withdraw the proceeds to your wallets. There is only one problem here - if you are not a player, then there is a high probability of buying illiquid goods.

you can withdraw money from steam to qiwi
you can withdraw money from steam to qiwi

Why are there difficulties?

It's hard to say right away how to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi. But the popularity of the service does not fall from this. Still, it is convenient to buy your favorite game in the "figure" without leaving home. In the future, fresh films, music and various products for games will appear here. At the same time, the user transfers money to the specified details and for this he receives the key to the game. Access can be obtained from any device. Money comes to Steam without problems, but there are problems with reverse actions. Therefore, the question inevitably arises, how to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi? Answer: only with additional manipulations.

how to transfer money from steam to qiwi
how to transfer money from steam to qiwi

Calm, only calm

Money from your wallet is not going anywhere. You can spend them in the Steam universe, but you can't easily take them back. This is generally logical, since having money in your account, you can spend it on some little thing. From onea person's income is small, but millions use Steam. The benefit is huge.

But the situation has a solution, since you can still withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi. However, in order not to get into such a situation, read the agreement when registering. It clearly states that the money is non-refundable and can only be used within the "Steam". If you try to bypass the ban, then you may be banned and the money will be blocked. But in the agreement you can find a couple of loopholes, which will tell you how to transfer money from Steam to Qiwi.

is it possible to transfer money from steam to qiwi example
is it possible to transfer money from steam to qiwi example

On examples

  1. The first method includes another Steam user. It is better that it be your friend or a good acquaintance who wants to purchase a certain game. You buy it for the game currency and give the key to a friend, who transfers the money to your Qiwi wallet.
  2. The second way involves using marketplaces. For all your cash in Steam, you buy things from popular games, and then register on an intermediary site and put things up for sale. The buyer pays you with money on a Qiwi wallet.
  3. The third way involves getting to know an advanced user who will become an intermediary and take on all the obligations on how to withdraw money from Steam to Qiwi. But as already mentioned, the intermediary takes a percentage of the work. Sometimes his commissions reach 35-40% of the total.
how to withdraw money from steam to qiwi
how to withdraw money from steam to qiwi

Features and difficulties

So we answered the question of whether it is possible to transfer money from Steam to Qiwi. The example with trading platforms seems to be the most profitable and transparent, since the sites monitor the transfer of money, so the possibility that you will be deceived is minimized. But the buyer will have to look for yourself. When buying a game, do not forget to indicate what you are taking as a gift. Then it will be possible to transfer the key to another person.

The method with an intermediary is not very popular only because of the large commission, but even here you can agree if you are looking for an intermediary yourself. Take a closer look, maybe one of your loved ones is well versed in Steam?

The most important thing with such actions is not to contradict in an open system, unless, of course, you want to get banned. You should also be wary of too rosy offers if you do not want to make contact with scammers.
