How to find out the cost of Megafon: basic methods

How to find out the cost of Megafon: basic methods
How to find out the cost of Megafon: basic methods

Probably, many subscribers of telecom operators are familiar with the feeling when it seems that the money from the account of the phone number has literally disappeared. It seems like they just put it in, but they are gone. What is the reason for this? Have you talked a lot or are there still some fraudulent tricks? This article will help you find out.

how to find out the cost of a megaphone
how to find out the cost of a megaphone

How to find out the cost of "Megaphone": the main ways

First of all, it would be right to explain how you can check your account balance. This will help you find out how much money is debited from there daily. There are several ways to do this:

  • By dialing the combination on the phone: 100. After that, press the call button. After a couple of seconds, the required information will be displayed on the screen. Everyone probably knows about this method.
  • By sending an SMS message with any content to the number 000100. In response, you will receive an SMS notification with information about the account balance of the mobile phone number.
  • By calling 0501. By doing so, you can get the necessary information in the form of a voicenotifications.
  • By activating the "SMS check" service. This will help you to be constantly aware of all changes in the account balance. The subscriber will be notified of all expenses thanks to received SMS messages.
  • Using the "Live balance" service. Account balance information will always be displayed on the phone screen.

If, for some reason, there is no access to the phone number by which you want to find out the balance, the following options will help with this:

  • Activation of the "Balance of relatives" service. This will allow you to keep track of the expenses of those who have allowed it to do so.
  • Using the "Personal Account" on the official website of the company. Here you can also get a lot of other useful information on the account. If you do not know how to find out the cost of "MegaFon" for the month, this option will help you.
how to find out the cost of a megaphone for a month
how to find out the cost of a megaphone for a month

Methods in detail

What are all the above services? What is their cost?

The "SMS check" service is provided free of charge. You can connect it on any tariff plan (with the exception of corporate SIM cards). To use this service, you need to dial the combination 105600 on your phone or send an empty message to the number 000105600. After connecting it, information about the movement of funds will come in the form of an SMS notification. This is the most profitable way to find out the cost of Megaphone.

The "Live balance" service is activated by dialing 1000. Up-to-date account balance informationwill always be displayed on the phone screen. It has a subscription fee of 45 rubles per month.

The "Balance of loved ones" service is available by dialing the number 43819ХХХХХХХХ. The call must be made from the number of the one whose balance is meant to be "monitored". In order for the “guardian” to be able to check the account of his “ward”, he will need to dial the following combination on his phone: 1009ХХХХХХХХ.

how to find out expenses on a megaphone for the last month
how to find out expenses on a megaphone for the last month

Checking other accruals

Now package offers are very popular among the population. They imply the provision of a certain number of minutes, SMS messages and traffic per month for a pre-specified cost. To check the balance of the package, you need to dial 558. At the same time, it does not hurt to find out about connected services and subscriptions. This can be done by dialing 105559.

How to save your funds

In order for the account balance not to take the subscriber by surprise due to its sharp reduction, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • You should not visit suspicious sites through your mobile phone. Often, without knowing it, subscribers subscribe to expensive subscriptions.
  • More often need to do the detailing of expenses. They will help you understand exactly when and for what money was spent. For those who are thinking how to find out the expenses on Megafon for the past month, this is a great way.
  • Periodically check the number for paid services and subscriptions by dialing 10511 and 505.