Outdoor air conditioner unit: size, installation, care

Outdoor air conditioner unit: size, installation, care
Outdoor air conditioner unit: size, installation, care

The introduction of new technological solutions in household equipment often runs counter to practical expediency. The example of climate technology is the most indicative in this sense. So, recently the market has been actively filled with mobile air conditioners, which are designed for indoor use. The features of such systems include the complete exclusion of dirty installation operations, which attracts a considerable audience of consumers. But with all the ease of installation and further maintenance, such models are not able to approach the performance characteristics provided by the external air conditioner unit as part of a split system. Another thing is that the owners of outdoor installations have to deal with troublesome tasks, but of a different kind.

outdoor air conditioner unit
outdoor air conditioner unit

What is an outdoor unit?

The structure of the outdoor segment, which is part of the split-system complex, includes a compressor unit, a condenser, valve decoupling, pipes, filter driers and a fan. Depending on the modification and design, the internal "stuffing" may vary, but the traditional air conditioner kit with a remote unit has just such a set of elements. By the way, the mostnoticeable differences are observed in the so-called winter systems, which provide for the presence of special controllers for controlling the fan. Modern air conditioners also use multifunctional power switching relays. Such devices are designed for non-standard operation of the compressor in conditions of high or low temperatures. Unlike the indoor segment, the outdoor unit does not have electronic modules - its operation is completely subordinated to the mechanical function.

air conditioner indoor unit
air conditioner indoor unit

Block dimensions

The outdoor unit is available on the market in various configurations and shapes. And although manufacturers, in order to simplify the segmentation, tend to unify the model lines, the choice of sizes is still quite wide. If we talk about average parameters, then the standard model has a width of 770 mm, a height of 450 mm and a thickness of 245 mm. At the same time, the radius of the fan varies on average from 200 to 250 mm. Of course, there are also aggregates, the sizes of which deviate from these indicators. So, in the Mitsubishi lineup, an almost square-shaped external air conditioning unit is presented, which has a width of 880 mm and a height of 840 mm. As for the parameters of the internal segment, they are not so impressive. Usually these are long narrow modules of medium size - 700 x 200 x 200 mm.

air conditioner cost
air conditioner cost

Choosing a place to install the unit

Usually, when choosing the best point for installing air conditioners outside, users are faced with problems of combining convenienceoperation and protection of the module. For example, the location of the unit at a height is the best option in terms of its safety, but in this case, access to the air conditioner for maintenance is also more difficult. A good solution would be to place the module on the wall near the window opening or loggia. At the same time, other nuances must be taken into account, including the absence of direct sunlight and permission for installation by neighbors, since a noisy unit can cause inconvenience to people living on the same level of the building.

In addition, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner generates condensate that will drip down. Accordingly, you will have to negotiate with neighbors on the lower floors. In case of successful coordination of the installation site of the unit with other residents, you can proceed to direct installation operations. By the way, another condition for installing an outdoor unit is the possibility of laying communications in the wall.

installation of an external air conditioner unit
installation of an external air conditioner unit

Installation of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

When installing air conditioners, special installation kits are used, which include pipes with flex, brackets with sets of fixing hardware, drainage communications, etc. The physical installation of the segment is carried out using load-bearing components that are embedded in the walls using anchor elements. At the same stage, brackets are used, the power potential of which is oriented to the mass of a particular module. Also, the installation of the external unit of the air conditioner provides for its communication connection with the internalsegment. To do this, a hole of the required diameter is made in the wall, which will allow organizing, in addition to the main wiring, also the laying of a vacuum pump and a gauge manifold. At the final stage, communications are directly connected between the two units.

Indoor unit installation features

When installing the evaporative, that is, the indoor module of the air conditioning system, it is especially important to observe the correct position of the unit. Usually this unit is mounted directly under the ceiling surface with a slight indentation. Mechanical fixation is also carried out using suitable brackets. True, in this case, the mass of equipment is not so large, which simplifies the workflow. After marking, the master installs the anchor elements and, if necessary, fastens the supporting profiles. Next, the indoor unit of the air conditioner is installed with strict observance of the horizontal position. Also, some models of such segments, according to the instructions, should have a slight slope towards the passage of drainage.

air conditioning kit
air conditioning kit

Maintenance and care

In standard operation, the air conditioner should be serviced every six months. Most of the work is carried out with the external unit, which is most prone to contamination. Specialists usually check the condition of the filters, the coolant level, the working pressure of the module route, etc. The most difficult operation is the replacement of the working fluid. The refrigerant is a chemically unsafe substance, so itrefueling is best left to experienced craftsmen. But the care of the rest of the components is quite accessible to ordinary users. For example, the answer to the question of how to clean the external unit of an air conditioner is quite simple. First of all, it should be disassembled, after which, using a rag or a vacuum cleaner, rid the internal surfaces of the module of dust and dirt deposits. In the course of such care, external filters and heat exchangers are cleaned, which prolongs the life of the air conditioner.

how to clean the outdoor unit of the air conditioner
how to clean the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

Outdoor unit in multi systems

The concept of the technical implementation of the split system provides for the possibility of using several indoor modules in one complex, which are serviced by one outdoor unit. Unlike standard configurations, the external module of such a system has engineering differences. For integration into a multi-system, it is equipped with an additional thermostat, which allows you to more effectively control the settings of the fan and compressor. In turn, the indoor unit of the air conditioner acts as a source of information signals that determine the control of the outdoor module. That is, the user, using the remote control, accesses the panel of the indoor unit, and the latter, in turn, regulates the system of bypass communications on the freon line via a digital channel.

Question of price

In modern modifications, split-system air conditioners are not cheap, which is largely due to the complexity of the design. Even in the initial segment, the cost of an air conditioner with a remote unit is rarelyless than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, you can find options for 15 thousand rubles. from little-known brands, but their quality is questionable by both specialists and users themselves, who often complain about problems.

Decent quality models are offered by Fujitsu, Daikin, Mitsubishi, etc. The average cost of an air conditioner from the range of these companies varies in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the most technologically advanced and productive kits can be estimated at 70-80 thousand rubles.

installation of the external unit of the air conditioner
installation of the external unit of the air conditioner


The use of air conditioners with a design that involves the installation of a remote unit causes many problems during installation and further maintenance. And this is without taking into account the difficulties in transporting equipment. These factors make it possible to speak of such units as obsolete. Especially against the background of the spread of mobile devices with a modest size. Nevertheless, the external unit of the air conditioner remains relevant in the market. This is explained by its high performance, functionality and safety during operation, since the main work units are located outside the living quarters. And if for domestic use you can find a low-power replacement for a split system in the form of a monoblock, then in the context of servicing office space, public buildings and institutions, multifunctional complexes still have no equal.
