Measuring transducers are called special devices that are necessary to accurately determine the value (temperature, voltage, current). The results obtained are used for processing by operators. The main parameters of modifications of this type include signal conductivity, conversion rate and output voltage.
Also, experts take into account the indicator of resistance and permissible overload, which is measured in amperes. The standard transmitter includes a grid trigger. The contacts of the model are fixed on the dinistor. Zener diodes in devices are used with different conductivity. A triode is used to protect the equipment. To understand this issue in more detail, it is necessary to consider the main types of measuring transducers.

Device types
According to the mode of action, models of temperature, voltage, and current are distinguished. Low frequency devices are usually used in transformer substations. The indicator of signal conductivity for converters of this type, on average, is no more than 34 microns. Manymodels have two triggers. The output sensitivity of the devices depends on the limit voltage. High frequency models are suitable for power plants.
It is also important to note that the division of converters is carried out by the number of channels. This parameter depends on the type of triode. The maximum model is able to support no more than three channels. Some modifications are able to work in a circuit only with alternating current. The limiting overload indicator for converters of this type is on average 4.5 A. There are also devices for working in a DC network. Quite often they can be found at high-voltage substations.
Single-channel temperature modifications
These measuring systems are actively used in hydropower plants. Their maximum cross-country ability is about 70%. Contacts for models of the presented type, as a rule, are used from copper. Thyristors are used with various flanges. Valves are needed to maintain a stable pressure. The relays of the converters are of the channel type. In devices with regulators there is a selector. This type of measuring transducers cost (market price) about 13 thousand rubles.
Features of two-channel temperature models
Measuring systems of this type are often used in large hydropower plants. For laboratory research, they are great. Many modifications use a channel adapter. In this case, the maximum passability parameter, as a rule, does not exceed 80%.
By sizeconverters of this type are quite different. Zener diodes in devices are designed for high pressure. Controllers are often used with moving contacts. An average temperature transducer costs about 18 thousand rubles.

Application of three-channel temperature transducers
Three-channel temperature converter is quite rare. The scope of the models is very wide. First of all, it is important to note that the models are suitable for hydraulic pumps of various capacities. In this case, the adapter is used tubular type. Triggers in devices are used with multiple controllers. Filters are installed channel type. Their average cross-country ability is about 85%. Nowadays, a high-quality three-channel temperature converter costs about 25 thousand rubles.
Description of single-channel voltage devices
Voltage measuring transducers are produced with various structural elements. First of all, it is important to note that there are many modifications without triggers on the market. They work with dampers. Analog capacitors are used to increase the allowable voltage. They are installed with a conductivity of 30 and 40 microns. If we consider the first option, it is important to note that they have contact insulators.
For powerful drive devices, the models fit perfectly. Controllers for devices are quite rare. The protection system is often used by the KI22 series. If we consider modifications to 40 microns, then they have controllers. The limit switching parameter, as a rule, does not exceed 80%. Many models use two triggers. For 20 kW drive units, models of this type fit perfectly. An average single-channel measuring equipment costs about 28 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of dual-channel voltage models
Dual-channel devices are great for hydraulic presses. The allowable conductivity parameter in devices is about 22 microns. On average, the maximum voltage is about 300 V. Modifications with a protection system are very common. Their rectifiers are used on two plates.
The conductivity of the selector in this case depends on the limiting frequency. These devices can only work in an alternating current circuit. It is also important to note that there are modifications with pass selectors on the market. A distinctive feature of this type of converters is considered to be a high switching rate.
If you believe the reviews of experts, then these models are great for 20 kW hydraulic devices. Quite often, devices are sold with one controller. There are no regulators in this case. The average cost of high-quality two-channel measuring equipment is about 20 thousand rubles.

Three-channel voltage devices
To provide drive devices, converters of the specified type are often used. Models with triggers of various conductivity are produced. Models with contact plates are distinguished by their versatility. In this case, the patency rate averages no more than 75%. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the devices are great for 15 kW drives. There are also special devices with line triggers.
The ripple factor for converters of the specified type is approximately 65%. In this case, much depends on the sensitivity of the contacts. The output voltage parameter for models is maximum allowed at 320 V. The protection system is usually used with the PC23 marking. Many models are produced without insulators. For powerful drives, these devices are poorly suited. It is also important to note that they have a low permeability parameter. You can buy a high-quality primary measuring transducer of this type at a price of 23 thousand rubles.
Single-channel AC models
Single-channel devices of this series are able to work with many high-voltage devices. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the regulators in the devices are used in different classes. First of all, it is important to note modifications with wave controllers. The patency parameter for models averages 45%.
Devices with frequency controllers are rare. For power transformers, models of this type are great. Their contacts are often installed on a dinistor. The speed of data processing takes little time. Control units are used with capacitors. Variable Triode Modelsare in high demand.
The signal conductivity in the devices is at least 50 microns. The threshold voltage rating is generally dependent on the rectifier. The specified element in the device is responsible for impulse oscillations. On average, it is able to withstand output resistance of 30 ohms. A high-quality measuring converter (alternating current) costs around 17 thousand rubles.

Description of two-channel AC devices
Two-channel devices of this type are used for hydraulic substations of different capacities. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the frequency of the device is quite different. On average, the signal conductivity index is at least 22 microns. The output voltage limit depends on the trigger. As a rule, it is applied dipole type. In some cases, automatic capacitors are installed.
Converters of this type are great for various power plants. However, it is important to note that models often use a variable tetrode. Thus, the allowable temperature indicator is 35 degrees. Modifications with analog triggers are rare. A two-channel converter (measuring) costs about 14 thousand rubles.
Application of three-channel AC models
Three-channel devices are only suitable for power substations. The protection system for devices, as a rule, is indicated by the RS23 series. In this case, triggers are only of the binary type. Limit indicatortheir output voltage is no more than 340 V. Analog filters for converters are very rare.
The average stabilization rate is 85%. For low-frequency transformers, the devices are not suitable in the best way. Models with beam controllers are very common. Data processing on average takes 45 ms. You can buy a high-quality transducer (measuring) at a price of 18 thousand rubles.

Single-channel DC models
Single-channel converters of this type are excellent for drive applications. The limit load indicator at the output is no more than 4 A. On average, the permeability of modifications does not exceed 80%. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the devices of this series are great for 3 kW drive mechanisms.
Capacitors for models are used of analog and commutated type. If we consider the first option, then they have a high overload parameter. For 7 kW drive units, a single-channel transducer (measuring) is not suitable.

Description of two-channel DC devices
Transformers of this class are produced with one or more triggers. If you believe the reviews of experts, the models are great for transformers. Their protection system, as a rule, is used in the PC44 series. The plates in the devices are used with different conductivity. For high voltage panelsappliances fit great. The maximum load rating at the output is not more than 8 A.
Models with electrode dampers are very rare. They are not suitable for 300 V substations. The cross-country ability of the converters of this series averages 75%. Modifications with triodes can significantly speed up the data processing process. This converter (measuring) costs on average around 19 thousand rubles.