If you are a subscriber of the Megafon mobile network, then you probably wondered more than once how to activate points on Megafon? This article will tell you what you need to do for this. Or maybe you're hearing about these points for the first time? In this case, the material will be doubly interesting for you.

So what are these points? They are credited to subscribers when they replenish the account on their phone. The number of them depends on the amount of money deposited. When points are credited to the subscriber's account, an SMS notification is sent to the phone. But how to activate points on Megaphone? Many are interested in this, because after some time the bonuses “burn out”.
How to check points on Megaphone
First you need to know their number. It depends on what services you can connect in exchange for points. To do this, dial 115. A window with a small menu will appear on your phone screen. Opposite the number "2" you can see the word "balance". He is what we need! To request a balance, send "two".
Shipping methods may vary by modelphone, but usually you just need to press "OK" for the text input field to appear.
So, the number "2" has been sent. In the newly appeared window there is a new menu. Now we need the "Number of bonus points" section. Since it is the first one in the list, we send the number "1" in the same way as the first time. After that, you will receive an SMS notification on your phone, which will tell you how many points you have and for how long they can be used.
How to transfer points on Megaphone

Well, you found out the balance. Now let's move on to the question of how to activate points on Megaphone. To do this, dial the number 115 (the same one that we entered for the first time). Now select the number "1" - "Activation of bonuses".
Next, depending on what you want to spend points on, select the appropriate section from the list that appears. For example, you talk on the phone a lot. So, it would be wise to exchange bonuses for free minutes of calls. Select the "Telephony" section, which is listed under the number "1".
If you communicate mainly with Megafon subscribers, then in the newly appeared window it is better to select "Intranet telephony" (1), but if among your interlocutors there are subscribers of different mobile networks, it is better to prefer the "Local telephony" section (2).
Let's say you have selected the first section. Now let's start choosing the duration of free calls that suits us. It all depends on how many points you have in your account. Over time, you will remember the correspondence of the quantitybonuses with the number of minutes. In the meantime, empirically, you can determine that 3 minutes=5 points, 10 minutes=10 points, and so on.

For example, you decide to choose 10 minutes. Now you should decide to whose account you want to transfer them: to your own or someone else's (a relative or friend, for example). As a rule, they choose to activate themselves. Therefore, we enter the number "1" - "To your number." And now we just wait for confirmation in the form of SMS. The message will indicate that activation will occur after 10 minutes. As a rule, there are no delays.
Well, now you know how to activate points on Megafon, which means that from now on you can save on calls, messages and use of the Internet!