Today one of the sources of information is television. Of course, it is not as popular as the Internet, but many people use it. Every home has a TV, not always one. With it, everyone can watch news, exciting movies or exciting TV shows. To view them, you need to achieve a good signal. An active TV antenna is suitable for this.
They are divided into three types:
- Radio antenna. Designed for car receivers only.
- Television. Used to watch analog or digital TV.
- Combined. Such models accept all types of signals, from radio to navigators.
There is also another type of active antenna - satellite. This type is not very common among car enthusiasts due to the difficult setup and high cost of equipment.
In addition, active automobileelements are classified according to installation location.

It can be both external and internal. The first type is installed on the roof, trunk or side doors. The main advantage is the quality of the signal. However, there are also disadvantages: they are large, have a short service life, as they are subjected to mechanical and climatic influences. They are also difficult to install. To do this, it is necessary to make additional holes in the car body, which spoils its appearance. Interior models are mounted on the rear or windshield. They can have different designs and shapes. Antennas are characterized by small overall dimensions. They are not exposed to external mechanical influences, as well as climatic conditions. Therefore, the car retains its pleasant appearance for a long time.
Installation locations
Active antenna can be outdoor or indoor. The first type is installed on the roof of houses so that the quality of the television picture is at the highest level. An active indoor antenna is used in a specific range, that is, the device will not work the same in all places. Most users note such a drawback: the part picks up the signal unevenly, that is, the TV will not show outside the other room. Before installing it, you need to make sure that the apartment is located in an area where there is a good TV signal.
What is the difference between passive and active?
So, all indoor antennas are divided into two types: passive and active. Representativesthe first type pick up the signal with the help of their design. Their main advantage is that they do not need to be connected to the mains, and also supplied with additional amplifying equipment. Many users report that there is no signal interference when using passive elements.
But not always such models can cope with their task.

In this case, an indoor active antenna is installed. Better signal reception is achieved with an additional electronic amplifier. Such a device can be installed in the element body or go separately. In this case, the active antenna is powered by the mains.
Like every device, the active part has its drawbacks. One of the main negative sides is a low-quality signal. It occurs due to a poor-quality amplifier. Such cheap Chinese models are widely distributed in the market. The signal can also be distorted from a very sensitive amplifier. Distortion occurs in the area of good reception, where the use of an additional amplifier is not required.
Range of action
An active antenna can receive both special bands and any type of signal. It is all-wave devices that are widespread among consumers, as they are convenient and capable of capturing a fairly large number of channels.
When using an indoor antenna for digital television, you must purchase those models that pick up specialranges. In this case, each person will save significantly.
Recommendations for selection
When purchasing active TV antennas, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:
- Before choosing a model, you should evaluate the signal level in the apartment. Do not buy a device just because of the beautiful appearance.
- If the windows in the apartment face the TV center, then you can install the antenna on the glass. In this case, the signal will be much better. Although these models are mounted on glass, they do the same job as outdoor units.
- If the distance to the repeater is more than ten kilometers, then the use of active antennas is not recommended. The signal will be weak, and the picture and sound will be noisy. In this case, it is better to purchase an outdoor structure.
Active car antenna
Standard built-in car antennas have low sensitivity.

It decreases when exposed to mechanical damage. Such processes can disable its antenna. At first, each driver does not pay attention to the antenna, as he listens to music that is recorded on different media. However, she is starting to get bored. Therefore, there is a need to purchase a new part.
An active car antenna is used not only for the radio.

Many drivers use it to watch movies or TV shows. In this case, you should purchase a portableTV, as well as a dedicated TV antenna.
This type of part is used for those vehicles that make long trips. In major cities, the signal is good. It will get worse as you move away from the radio tower. Even if the distance is short, the signal may be distorted by uneven terrain, such as mountains, hills, etc. Therefore, a device such as a TV active antenna is sure to come in handy.
When the vehicle is driving on uneven terrain, the radio picks up the signal not from the radio tower, but from the distorted terrain. He's not strong enough. To capture it, an additional amplifier is needed, which is already built into the active part.
To counteract interference both in the city and beyond, these antennas can operate in two modes:
- for urban areas;
- for country roads.
In the first case, they can work without an amplifier, since its presence will interfere with the signal.
Active antenna connection
As mentioned earlier, for the functioning of the mechanism, it is necessary to connect it to the mains. This is one of the shortcomings. So, first you need to decide on the place of connection. Some car enthusiasts connect the device to the battery.

However, this is not justified. In this case, the structure is constantly on. That is, when the car is idle, a certain amount of energy from the car battery will be consumed. Accordingly, it will take longer than usual to recharge it.
How do you get connected? For this, there is a special connector for the car radio. This is the best option as the antenna will work with the receiver. In this case, the consumption of electric current will be in moderation.

There is another option. The antenna is connected to the ignition switch. Voltage is applied when the ignition key is turned. The device is turned off when the owner leaves their vehicle.
It is worth noting that installation methods and procedures may be indicated in the instructions. In order for the fastening to be reliable, it is necessary to check the structural details.
After making the connection, you need to check the operation of the antenna. Both options are suitable for all types of devices. The most popular manufacturers of active antennas are Alpine, Supra, Bosch. Due to the affordable price, it can be purchased by any motorist. The cost of an active antenna ranges from three hundred to one and a half thousand rubles.
Purchasing this part is a rather troublesome process. The wrong model will not pick up the signal and the sound or picture quality will suffer. Therefore, the choice of this element should be taken responsibly.
So, we found out what an active television antenna is.