How to transfer money from "Life" to "Life": detailed instructions

How to transfer money from "Life" to "Life": detailed instructions
How to transfer money from "Life" to "Life": detailed instructions

Subscribers of "Life" can use the service of transferring funds from their balance to another. It is very useful, because when you urgently need to call someone, and there are not enough funds on your balance, you can ask your friend to send you some of his money. In this article we will talk about how to transfer money from Life to Life. All known methods will be considered. In addition, since the Life operator serves two countries at once - Ukraine and Belarus, we will consider methods for each of the countries.

How to transfer money in Ukraine via USSD request (first method)

how to transfer money from live to live
how to transfer money from live to live

On the territory of Ukraine, Life subscribers have three ways to transfer money from Life to Life, unlike Belarus, where there is only one. Now we will consider the first method, the essence of which is to send the corresponding USSD request.

In order to transfer money, you need to make a call,by dialing the number 111recipient's numbersending amount. To illustrate, let's take an example. Consider the case when you want to send 100 hryvnias to the number 380621234567. In this case, you will need to make a call to the number: 111380621234567100. After that, you will receive a message in response to confirm the operation. Follow the instructions to do so.

Please note that the price for the service is 3 hryvnia, and the balance must not be less than 10 hryvnia. That is, to send 100 hryvnia, you must have at least 113 hryvnia on your account.

How to transfer money in Ukraine via USSD request (second method)

how to transfer money to live
how to transfer money to live

This was the first example showing how to transfer money from "Life" to "Life" using a USSD request, but there is another one. It may seem very simple, unlike the first one, so let's look at it.

Instead of a long combination of characters, as in the previous example, you will only need to dial 124. After you do this, you will see a special menu on the phone screen where funds are transferred. You will need to go to the section called Perevod balance. You will be asked to enter the number of the subscriber to whom the money is addressed and the amount of funds directly.

Like last time, after that you will have to confirm the operation. The service fee is also UAH 3, and the balance must be at least UAH 10.

How to transfer money in Ukraine via SMS

So, we have already considered two optionsthe answer to the question of how to transfer money from "Life" to "Life" in Ukraine. But there is one more. Its essence lies in sending the corresponding SMS message. Let's look at this monetary transaction.

Create a new message with the following: "PEREVOD beneficiary number payment amount". All this data will need to be sent to number 124. For greater clarity, let's give an example. If you want to send 100 UAH to the number 380621234567, then the text in the message should be: "PEREVOD 380621234567 100". It's pretty simple.

After that, you will also receive a message confirming the operation, as soon as you do this, the money will be sent. This was the last way to answer the question of how to transfer money to Life in Ukraine. Now let's move on to Belarus.

How to transfer money in Belarus

how to transfer money on live
how to transfer money on live

So, as you might guess, the steps to transfer funds from the Life balance in Ukraine and Belarus are different, although they are carried out similarly. So, now we will look at how to transfer money on Life in Belarus using a USSD request.

On the territory of this country there is a special service called "Balance Transfer". Its essence is to send a request by dialing 1201. Then you just need to follow clear instructions, as a result, you will be able to transfer your funds to another subscriber. As you can see, the method is very similar todiscussed earlier.

As for the restrictions, they are present. For example, "Super life:)" tariff holders will not be able to make a transfer, they can only receive it.
