The name of the groups "VK": laugh and cry

The name of the groups "VK": laugh and cry
The name of the groups "VK": laugh and cry

The social network "Vkontakte" is the most popular among young people in our time. Accordingly, the people there gather quite motley: they are both intelligent and not very intelligent people.

vk group name
vk group name

Students, workers, schoolchildren, moms and dads, techies and humanities… The list is endless. But that's not what we're talking about. Based on the foregoing, it is worth concluding that all users of this social network communicate either by personal acquaintance or by common interests, and they do this in specially created groups. But most of the users of "Contact" and visitors to all kinds of groups are united by a truly unbridled fantasy inherent in Russian people who do not bother themselves with a craving for knowledge, so the name of the "VK" groups can be frankly stupid.

They are so different

The name of the groups "VK" can be cool, but more often it's just incomprehensible, for example, "a group of people who like to blow into a tube so that it turns out boo-boo-boo." What do these people have in common? What are they doing in this gathering? Or "a group of lovers of colored panties." The name of this group "VK" is strange, but what is the number of killer photos of women and menpanties, knickers, leggings, swimming trunks, thongs and more!

group name vk cool
group name vk cool

And there are even contests like who has the coolest panties.

"Magicians and Mages" - generally an incredible bunch. It’s scary to go there: what if they damage it through the screen? How do you like the name of the VK group? Cool and exciting feelings at the same time!

Groups such as "Watch New Movies" or "Read Cool Books" allude to the fact that people are proud of their hobbies: they say, we are interested in everything and are engaged in our intellectual development! But the coolest name for VK groups (cool) is for communities about cats. “I love stupid cat jokes”, where you can find any video about cats that your heart desires. “My master is an idiot, or Look what my cat can do”, “Cats, cats, kittens, kittens, kitties, kisulenki, kiselatochki, kitties, kitties and koshars” and similar names simply drive you crazy with their “originality”.


Let's not ignore the eternally in love stratum of the population, that is, groups for girls. The name of the group “VK” about love is another something: “Lyuboff, sweets, plaid and OH”, “For those who are crazy about HIM and don’t understand why he doesn’t like my new bow on the avatar ?!”. For those in the tank: the "new onion" is not a sprouted onion on the windowsill in the kitchen, it's a new image. Only the word is written in Latin, not Cyrillic…

VK group name about love
VK group name about love

Here's another good title: I love myself belovedI love myself and my mirror too. Two questions: first - where do you get money for these expensive semi-professional cameras? And the second - someone thinks that it is interesting for people to watch how the victim of the lens invariably bends his leg in all the photos, makes his lips bow and tilts his head to one side? Answer honestly? This is not original at all.

From empty to empty

Returning to the topic “the name of the VK groups”, I would like to add only one thing: the name should at least slightly correspond to the content and what is happening in the group. Because there are a myriad of communities whose activities can be called a transfusion from empty to empty.
