Pseudomining Reviews of investors and participants of the "partnership"

Pseudomining Reviews of investors and participants of the "partnership"
Pseudomining Reviews of investors and participants of the "partnership"

The reason for the negative reviews about (mining in English sounds like “mining”) is too fast a scam. Having opened on July 9, 2017, the service that simulates cloud mining quickly made enemies in the face of deceived investors. Already 14 days after the launch of the project, potential investors, having read the warnings of colleagues, bypassed it.

How Barkers Worked

rapidminers com reviews
rapidminers com reviews

Participants of the referral program (their affiliate content still exist) actively promoted the system of rewards operating at RapidMiners - from three to seven percent of the deposit amount. To get the opportunity to earn big, the participant had to purchase power (the more power - the higher the rating and income level).

When registering on the site, a new user received a bonus that could be used for mining without investing inproject.

Users who joined the referral program reported that they had reached the sixth (highest) level after investing just over $100. As a result, their daily income reached 42 percent per day. It is not known how many naive users "pecked" on this bait. There must have been quite a few of them.

On July 17, 2017, the project partners reported that now 33 thousand investors are already earning on the site (of course, the number of investors was greatly exaggerated). Affiliate links for registration were added to the messages.

You could register directly on the site The reviews belonging to the participants of the affiliate program are full of enthusiasm and backed up by video reports that "confirm" the solvency of mining.

What do investors say?

Earning with Contributor reviews

It took a little more than ten days for this hype to "grow" with negative comments from investors and miners.

Reviews about, left by investors two weeks after the launch of the site, are presented in the form of short warnings. People who were not contributors, but who had already gained experience "working" with RapidMiners, urged users to bypass this platform.

Youth RapidMiners

As it turned out, the project under discussion has a "maiden name": earlier this service appeared on the network as and was promoting a certain "program" for making money.

Reviews about characterize this site as fraudulent. As you can see from the reviewsusers, the seller of the program did not provide the buyer with any documents and guarantees. In addition, the site did not have a "Contacts" page, so it was not possible to contact the administration representatives.

Advanced user opinion

Experienced users who wrote reviews of compare this site with a similar scam hype - Vixice (the project closed in less than three months). Indeed, the interfaces of both sites are surprisingly similar. The only difference is the logos.

Why is the project being discussed called pseudo-mining?

https rapidminers com mining reviews
https rapidminers com mining reviews

Reviews about will help answer this question, the authors of which at one time made fun of the mathematical abilities of the admin of the "fell off" hype for a long time. In this particular case, the “pseudo-mining” status was affected by too generous rewards and paid entrance (in order to register on the project and start earning, the user had to pay one dollar).

In the table reflecting the earnings of investors, advanced users saw an attempt to psychologically pressure users: the minimum contribution (from 1 to 1.5 dollars) provided a 3% daily income, and the maximum (from 1500 dollars) opened up the opportunity to receive daily 7 percent of the deposit amount.

https rapidminers com reviews
https rapidminers com reviews

Miners who did not want to invest their money in the project were offered to earn money without investments by mining cryptocurrency (each new participant was given100 gigahashes).
