FTTx technologies - Internet connection

FTTx technologies - Internet connection
FTTx technologies - Internet connection

Many companies began to gradually move to the use of FTTx technology as the main one for providing services in the field of Internet access. Now it is no longer as difficult and expensive as it was a few years ago. That is why the corresponding product is being actively promoted on the market.

FTTx technologies
FTTx technologies

What is this?

The use of FTTx technology involves the involvement of fiber-optic solutions for building broadband networks. It is worth describing what is meant by this new concept.

FTTx is a term that describes a general approach to the formation of a cable network infrastructure, in which optics reach a specific place, designated as “x”, from the communication node, and then, directly to the subscribers, a copper cable is laid. It is quite possible to lay optics directly to the subscriber device. By and large, the use of FTTx technology involves only the physical layer. But this concept also hides a large number of network andchannel level. Broadband access allows for a huge number of new services.

Interest in similar networks

At the moment, the main driver of the FTTx market is the massive demand for broadband access, which is very difficult to provide if only ADSL is used. Optical solutions have become more and more actively implemented in large cities, and there is a clear trend towards the merger of small operators with larger ones that operate on a federal scale. FTTx technologies are very actively used in settlements where the infrastructure was originally built on the basis of an optical path.

Market Outlook

The development of the FTTx market in Russia depends not only on the demand for quality content, but also on the number of large construction projects, as well as increased competition among broadband providers. Thanks to the dynamic construction of apartment buildings, the installation of FTTx networks is becoming very fast and economically viable, and competition is making the cost of accessing the Internet ever lower. A few years ago, the attention of operators was directed to the corporate consumer, and now the general subscribers are increasingly being considered.

The offer is valid when connecting via FTTx xPON technology
The offer is valid when connecting via FTTx xPON technology

Construction feature

FTTx technologies until recently were used by operators who did not have their own infrastructure of the old generation, that is, they were made of copper, and this was due to the increased cost of formingfiber optic structures. However, in the last few years, interest in new networks has been growing. Reasons for this include the expansion of services, the expansion of passive optical networks (PON) and the spread of Metro Ethernet, the reduction in the cost of fiber products, and the success of some operators in the field of building such networks.

FTTX XPON connection
FTTX XPON connection

New content types

FTTx connection is becoming more and more popular as today's users are more and more interested in new types of content with high quality video and graphics. The main catalyst for the adoption of fiber optic systems has been the growing interest in video services. The shift in focus from group broadcasting to individual broadcasting means an increase in subscriber demand for dedicated bandwidth, which will soon be up to 100 megabits per second per household.

Sales of high-definition LCD televisions are growing at an ever-increasing pace, reflecting the need for customers to receive better quality television programming than analogue television can offer. The use of IP-TV is seen by many experts as the most logical development of events. That is, the only way the user will be able to choose programs, films, as well as the time they are viewed. That is why it is believed that with mass connection using FTTx xPON technologies, this will no longer be a matter of the next five years, but only a couple of years. Every ISP now understands thatinvestments in optics represent investments for several decades ahead, the profit on which will exceed the costs by dozens of times. This can explain the active purchase of optical lines, as well as a number of pilot projects, including laying optics directly to subscriber equipment.

FTTX Technology Rostelecom
FTTX Technology Rostelecom

What are the risks?

In the coming years, FTTx Internet will not be the only option that can guarantee the provision of broadband access services, but the potential of fiber optic infrastructure is high enough to ensure a return on all investments. At the moment, a lot of activity is typical for the modernization of backbone networks, and the FTTx technology market is still at the stage of study, design and testing. However, now there is an interest of operators in WDM elements, as well as passive optical splitters. In addition, sales of high-capacity optical distribution boxes, which are also used in FTTx solutions, are expected to grow.

Internet using FTTX technology
Internet using FTTX technology

Types of architectures

FTTx technology (Rostelecom) includes several types of architectures:

- FTTN (Fiber to the Node) - fiber reaches the network node;

- FTTC (Fiber to the Curb) - fiber reaches a microdistrict, block or several houses;

- FTTB (Fiber to the Building) - fiber reaches the building;

- FTTH (Fiber to the Home) - fiber reaches the home.

Basictheir difference is how close the optical cable comes to the user terminal. The first solutions to appear were FTTN and FTTC. The first solution is currently used exclusively as a quickly implemented and budget solution where there is a copper distribution infrastructure, and laying optics is simply unprofitable. The difficulties associated with such a solution are known to all: the low quality of the services provided, associated with the specific problems of copper cables located in the sewer, a significant limitation on the speed and number of connections in one cable. FTTC is an improved type of FTTN that does not have the disadvantages of the latter. In the case of FTTC, copper cables are laid only inside buildings, which means that they are not subject to destructive factors, and also do not have a long line length, the quality of the copper conductors used is also important. That is why it is possible to achieve greater speed in the area without fiber. This offer is valid when connecting using FTTx PON technology. This architecture is aimed at operators who are already actively using xDSL technology, as well as cable television operators. By implementing such an architecture, they can not only reduce costs, but also increase the number of connected users, as well as the bandwidth allocated to each of them. This type of connection in Russia is most often used by operators of small Ethernet networks, which is associated with the low cost of copper solutions, as well as the need forhighly qualified contractor for the installation of optical cable.

FTTX XPON technologies
FTTX XPON technologies


Issues of placement of equipment that terminates the optical component of the communication line using FTTx xPON technologies depend on a number of reasons:

- availability of alternative infrastructure or its absence;

- the ability to place active equipment in the house;

- number of connected subscribers;

- other.

Specialists say that there is a very specific classification of terminal FTTx devices, which is tied specifically to the “x” point. The set of services offered depends on the type and number of interfaces used in the end device, as well as the mechanism for traffic control. If it is necessary to preserve the existing infrastructure, it is worth focusing on FTTC / FTTB systems that have an optical uplink interface. Such systems are appropriate for use in large enterprises, residential complexes and business centers where there is an existing copper infrastructure.

FTTX connection
FTTX connection


Establishment of networks using FTTx technology is most economically justified in the case of a significant concentration of solvent customers or new construction, when the issues of organizing cable laying are still at the decision stage. It is desirable that the network be planned so that the point "x" is located as close as possible to the client, that is, the subscriber. When building new districts, it is best to bring it directly to the building, this willconvenient both at the initial stage and in the future. This offer is valid when connecting using FTTx xpon technologies.