What influences buying behavior?

What influences buying behavior?
What influences buying behavior?

The main role of the consumption process is the sale and purchase of goods and services. In connection with the laws that govern it, several types of its implementation can be distinguished, as well as various factors that affect purchasing behavior can be analyzed.

First of all, you should study the sources on which it relies

buying behavior
buying behavior

consumer making a preliminary choice. That is, how it collects information about the product, its availability, prices. The first category includes external sources. Popular ones include advertising, opinions of friends and acquaintances, information available in the store. Consumers may also consult more professional sources such as special reports, reviews, ratings, websites containing full product specifications and terms of use. However, such careful collection of information is time-consuming and not always beneficial. Therefore, marketing research studying purchasing behavior shows that more often preference is given to available sources of data onproduct or commodity. In addition, with a minimal difference in price, consumers make a choice based on other motives. The main types are habitual, spontaneous and carefully considered acquisitions.

factors influencing purchasing behavior
factors influencing purchasing behavior

An important aspect that shapes buying behavior is "skills" or "habits". According to this concept, consumers have a memory in which previously received information is collected, including the brand and its characteristics. Of great importance in this process is the principle of repetition. It is often used by advertising agencies to develop a campaign aimed at strengthening the brand. In addition, brand loy alty is often the result of habit: if a customer purchases the same product for a long time in a permanent place, then the choice is obvious to him. He just acts stereotyped. And this is often used by service and trade enterprises. To further bind the client and influence his purchasing behavior, they offer discounts, gifts, bonuses that are intended for regular consumers. Lotteries, SMS contests also serve to increase brand or store loy alty. In the West, the tradition of issuing goods "on credit" to regular customers is still preserved - and this is not about bank loans and not purchases by installments, but about entering the debtor "in a notebook." Often this strategy is used by small neighborhood shops.

buying behavior modeling
buying behavior modeling

Marketers and psychologists have long been studying whatwhat laws govern the modeling of consumer behavior. If we walk through a large shopping center, we can observe an interesting picture. Each boutique has its own lighting, its own music and even smells. It is worth talking about aromas that influence purchasing behavior separately. They have been used quite actively recently, since it has been experimentally proven that the mood and disposition of customers increase significantly if pleasant smells reign in the store. The buyer lingers in such places longer, therefore, the likelihood that he will purchase more goods at a higher price increases. It is worth paying attention to the musical design of the store hall. Soft, unobtrusive music enhances customer experience.

Purchasing behavior is also modeled with the help of a special placement of goods. For example, the fact that products are displayed in the hall, and not in the warehouse, contributes to the fact that the client makes more expensive and bulky purchases. In addition, it is no coincidence that, for example, essential goods are often located in the farthest corner. Due to this, the buyer is forced to bypass a large area. Consequently, the likelihood that he puts aside in the basket what he himself would not remember increases. A similar principle is used at the box office. It is there that all kinds of sweets, chewing gum, batteries and other little things are located. This is calculated on the effect of "small weakness". When the basic purchases are done, you can treat yourself or the children to something that, in general, is not necessary.

Usedifferent ways influencing buying behavior and brands trying to become leaders. By placing their product on the shelves in the zone of maximum visibility (at eye level) and accessibility, they increase brand recognition and attractiveness. Competitive, albeit cheaper, products seem to remain "in the shadows" and are noticed less often.
