Search engines help Internet users find the information they need. In the search bar, a person enters his query: a search keyword or a collection of keywords. And he chooses from the list the site he likes, which best reflects the essence of the question asked to the search engine. Internet search engines are convenient and modern.

Browse search engines
The search engine processes hundreds of gigabytes of information and gives the user the necessary sites in a convenient format of the list of found pages. This list may consist of hundreds of thousands of pages where these words occur. From all this you can already find the information you need, this can sometimes be problematic. And sometimes you immediately find the right site with relevant information.
Search server AltaVista is the least known search engine in RuNet. It was popular with an English-speaking audience during the launch of the Vista system from Microsoft. All in its baseonly five hundred and fifty million pages. Four million articles from 15,000 newsgroups within the Usenet aggregator. And search is available for images and other media files, such as videos and sounds. Issuance by pictures is made in a slightly inconvenient format. They are all displayed with a description of the size when you hover the mouse over the picture.
Open Directory Project - this service is more about directories than search engines. But through it, the search is carried out only on high-quality resources of the Internet. Work for the convenience of users is carried out by about 38 thousand editors who daily select sites for their catalog.
Search server WebCrawler - the number of search service index is about 1.6 million indexed materials. The project directory has about 100,000 categories, where you can define almost any site. The search engine shares a database with another Internet project called Excite, but this project specializes in entertainment traffic, indexing chats and horoscopes.
Lycos - this server has information about 50 million pages. You are given queries to the search server. You can write, for example: "How to write an article for the site", and the search engine will display the necessary information. They are sorted according to your query. Perhaps you will find the right one among them. The queries to the search server for each search engine are given below.
HotBot - contains information about 55 million pages from all over the Internet. Among them you can find the information you need. For convenience, you can specify the desired geo-location. For example, you are looking for a cafe in a certain city and set the corresponding query. The search engine also searches for sounds, graphics, site scripts, and other non-trivial things that you may need. The server has recently connected to "Uzenet" and the search can also be done there.

Google and Yahoo are giants of search
Search server "Google" (Google) - for the entire time of work, about 2 billion pages have already been indexed, on which content of interest to the user is searched. "Runet" is indexed well, but "Google" did not become better than "Yandex", since it takes into account the individual characteristics of the Russian language, spelling and orthoepy of words when searching.
Yahoo search server (Yahoo!) - has a developed news service, collected from the media around the world. It has about 3,000,000 links indexed. The service is well structured. It is one of the first in the world. But did not become as popular as Google.

Besides classical search engines, there are metasystems that search all systems at once. The results will be presented in a form convenient for you. The Yandex service is the largest in Runet and the first of its kind. After the search engine spread to the CIS countries, since it takes into account the morphology of the language. Copernic 2001 runningfor a long time and constantly updates its database from various services. The search can be carried out by categories or by geodata. The issuance can be tied to the area from which the request comes.

There is a free and paid version of the service, which is already used by more than fourteen million people. The server uses Google, Yandex, and others to search.
"Rambler" and "Yandex" - the largest directories of sites
Rambler is a Russian site that provides services for finding the right information on the Internet. The search engine is quite young, but has already gained popularity in Russia and the CIS, it has its own catalog and news aggregator, which presents a huge number of Russian-language sites. It is the largest in the CIS, followed by Yandex, which bypasses it in terms of quality. It is quite difficult to get into Yandex for little-known sites. In Rambler, registration is free for all portals that meet the conditions for accepting a project into the catalog.
File search
"FTP index". It contains information about FTP servers that are used to store and distribute information. But the information is in the form of files.
Filez - it can be used to view more than 100 million files in the file search engine index.